
Eating for Stability: The Rock-Paper-Scissors Diet for Managing Blood Sugar Levels in the Elderly

We apply the “rock-paper-scissors” diet to manage blood sugar levels in the elderly. [사진: 셔터스톡]

[디지털투데이 AI리포터] Managing blood sugar levels is very important to practicing healthy eating habits. Particularly in the case of the elderly, there are many things to watch out for, which is why various restrictions on food intake are applied, but unconditional dietary restrictions can actually harm their health. Let’s find out what healthy eating methods are for managing blood sugar levels and how experts suggest them.

To manage blood sugar levels in older adults, all you need to remember is “rock, paper, scissors.” Eat at least two types of vegetables and side dishes at a time (scissors), eat rice the size of your fist (rock), and eat protein foods like meat, fish and tofu the size of your palm (bo).

In other words, the rock-paper-scissors diet is a diet that manages the blood sugar level of older adults while providing adequate nutrients. However, keep in mind that fruit is not vegetables. It is important that your diet consists mainly of low-sugar vegetables.

Some older adults have high grain intake because of the importance they place on good nutrition. Excessive carbohydrate intake actually increases blood sugar levels and is harmful to your health. Experts say it’s a good idea to get into the habit of eating enough protein foods instead of carbohydrates so you can build the muscles involved in controlling blood sugar levels.

To this it is good to also add milk and yogurt. This is because calcium intake is as important as protein.

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