
Facebook and Instagram join forces to bring hope through our actions to stop suicide.

It’s been almost 2 years since the Covid-19 epidemic situation. has changed our way of life in ways that many people may not expect in many dimensions

From finances, work, education, to relationships and day-to-day lifestyles. This does not include health issues that directly result from the virus itself.

All of us, no matter how well adapted we are. All face mental health challenges as a result of stress. uncertainty and the isolation caused by this epidemic situation The huge impact it has on fragile groups. or a group of people who may be classified as marginalized groups of society. It has caused very high suicide rates around the world. especially in the Asia-Pacific region.

The focus on mental health may not be enough. and unequally distributed resources across the Asia-Pacific region. It is imperative that people have other channels. to access help Many people turn to help online. And we have clear requirements and guidelines to address the needs of the community on our platform.

Yesterday (Friday September 10) was World Suicide Prevention Day.or World Suicide Prevention Day which this year is under the concept “Creating Hope Through Action” (Creating Hope Through Action) And it reminds us all that our actions can bring hope to anyone who is facing a problem.

Help support our community
EnlundSafety Policy Manager, FacebookAsia Pacific
said that we take the safety of our users very seriously. We regularly consult with experts working on suicide or self-injury prevention to guide the creation of our terms and use policies. We work with many organizations around the world to provide assistance to those in distress. including the Samaritans Association of Thailand.

We don’t allow users to express glorification or promote self-harm or suicide on Facebook and Instagram. However, we do allow users to talk about them on our platform. Because we want people to have a space to share information, experiences, raise awareness of important things. and seek encouragement or support between them
When a user sees a post that might show their friend is in need of help. can report that content So that we can contact that person with information that may be useful to him, such as the contact number of the local authority. or to contact the person he trusts We have over 100 hotline numbers to deal with these problems, including the Samaritans of Thailand. at the COVID-19 Information Center

We also have live chat support. Users can chat with crisis organizations through Messenger, and a pop-up is displayed to help people access the information they need when posting suicide-related content or searches. self-harm We also have suicide prevention resources. For those who may be contemplating suicide Or have a friend who is likely to benefit from these protections?

Experts say One of the best suicide prevention methods is for people in distress to talk to people who care about them. And with Facebook and Instagram’s role in connecting people. It is therefore important that we can all be involved in helping to create good deeds. create hope and help people get the support they deserve.

However, what we do at Facebook is only part of the solution. Suicide and self-harm are complex issues in society. And it needs cooperation from all sectors, all of us – tech companies, governments, non-profits. educational institution and all people All have a role to play in creating hope for society through our actions.

How can you join in building hope?
We work with suicide prevention experts to understand how we can help those who are having these thoughts.

“It’s important to be open-minded.” Trakan Chensri President of the Samaritans Association of ThailandThis is an agency that people can contact for help in this matter. has mentioned this interestingly that

Covid-19 has been affecting everyone in the world for almost two years. people are more stressed and resulting in a higher risk of suicide as well. The Samaritans of Thailand itself has received much higher calls from people who want to contact them about suicide prevention. And most of the callers said COVID-19. is one of the main causes of stress People with suicidal thoughts often feel isolated. like being left to face problems alone Therefore, encouragement and understanding are important to prevent suicide. And now is the time for all of us to talk about that issue. We can all help people in need. by being a good listener Listen with understanding, not judge, and show those facing problems that we are ready to open up to them unconditionally.”

So if you’re worried that someone you know is facing such a problem. Or is this problem happening to you? Can help contact or give them a hotline number.

We hope that Facebook will be one of the ways that can help you. Please know that you can always contact us for help. Samaritans Association of Thailand, contact number 02-713-6793

4 important principles to keep in mind that you can apply if you run into problems Or have a friend or acquaintance who is in need of help?

1. Staying in touch is very important. During many times People still need to keep their distance. And everyone can contribute to building hope for others with simple actions. For example, sending a message to say hello and ask how are you? To show them that there are people who miss them.
2. People who are facing problems may want someone to listen Get to know and understand his story. Facebook has guided dialogue in our suicide prevention resources. so that the user can apply it to talk to his friends about the issues he is facing. This is useful for people who are facing a lot of problems. being a good listener open space for them to vent Including interrogating each other periodically are all important.
3. If you think someone is in a risky situation Contact your local authority for assistance immediately.
4. It’s important to talk to your friends or family. But helping them access the next step of support is equally important.
