
Faeser warns of Islamist attacks in Germany

The Gaza war has a direct impact on the security situation. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution warns that the risk of possible terrorist attacks against Jewish and Israeli people has recently increased significantly.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has warned of attacks in light of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel and recent arrests in Germany. “Islamist terrorist organizations, but also Islamist individual perpetrators, are a significant danger that exists at all times,” she told the editorial network Germany (RND).

The Gaza war has a direct impact on the security situation. “We have taken such consistent action against the Islamist scene in recent weeks because we have a close eye on the changing threat situation.”

It is thanks to the Federal Criminal Police Office that around 170 channels or content have now been removed on the Telegram network alone, “which were used to spread disgusting anti-Semitic and Islamist propaganda,” said Faeser.

Two teenagers arrested with attack plans

In the past few days, two young people were arrested in Burscheid in North Rhine-Westphalia and in Wittstock/Dosse in Brandenburg. According to information from security circles, they were allegedly considering, among other things, an attack on a Christmas market in Leverkusen.

Before the arrests became known, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution had warned that, against the backdrop of the Middle East conflict, the risk of possible terrorist attacks against Jewish and Israeli people and institutions as well as against “the West” had recently increased significantly.