
Fostering Innovation Through Collaboration: Labor and Management Join Forces to Address Societal Challenges

“I think we need a new framework where labor and management can create innovation together and proposals that can move the social system in an innovative way. “We need to put our heads together for a long time and think of good suggestions.”

Choi Tae-won, Chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chairman of SK Group), visited the Korea Federation of Trade Unions Hall in Yeouido, Seoul on the 10th and met with Kim Dong-myeong, Chairman of the Korea Federation of Trade Unions. Chairman Choi said at this event, “As the Chairman (Kim Dong-myeong) said, this is a time of complex Committee crises.”

Taewon Choi (right), Chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, speaks at the 6th representative meeting held at the Korea Federation of Trade Unions in Yeouido, Seoul on the afternoon of the 10th. On the left is Kim Dong-myeong, chairman of the Korean Federation of Trade Unions./News 1

Chairman Choi’s visit came about after Chairman Kim proposed a meeting at an event they attended together earlier this year. Since Chairman Choi was reappointed chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry in March, it was also an opportunity for communication between labor and management as a representative group.

Chairman Choi said in his greeting at the meeting that day, “Among the three elements of production, labor, capital, and land, the most important thing is labor, and now, instead of physical labor, there can be a lot of emphasis on the labor that means using your head.” “If we do not achieve innovation beyond labour, the past framework of distinguishing between labour, capital and land will no longer have a significant impact on production possibilities,” he said.

Chairman Choi said, “What we should do in a time of complex crises is a big topic and a difficult task,” adding, “There are many things with the word ‘low’, such as low growth and low birth rate , and many things with the word ‘high.’ “It raises many questions about the economy and society,” he said. He said, “I am grateful that Chairman Kim sympathizes with the question I asked, ‘Is Korea right as it is?'”

Chairman Kim emphasized, “I believe that the uncertainty felt by companies and the anxiety felt by employees in the face of massive changes in Korean society are not different in any way,” he added, “Gathering wisdom is an essential condition in adapting to changes and overcoming. emergencies.”

The Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Korean Federation of Trade Unions reportedly agreed that labor and management should work together to find solutions to difficult problems such as the climate crisis, industrial transition, and a low birth rate and aging population. Both sides have continued to communicate regularly since the representative meeting in September 2017. Chairman Choi and Chairman Kim have also met through various events since Chairman Kim attended Chairman Choi’s inauguration ceremony as Chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2021.

At the meeting on this day were Park Il-jun, full-time vice president of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lee Hyeong-hee, vice chairman of the Seoul Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chairman of the Communication Committee of the SK Supex Council), and Kang Seok- gu, head of the investigation department. From the Korean Federation of Trade Unions, General Secretary Ryu Ki-seop, Standing Vice Chairman Kang Seok-yoon, and Standing Vice Chairman Jeong Yeon-sil emerged.

#Choi #Taewon #meets #Chairman #Korean #Federation #Trade #Unions #Kim #Dongmyeong #Lets #put #heads #labor #management #innovation
