
From time to time to stop the murderer of the wife, Steam’s new puzzle-solving work “Twelve Minutes” is extremely acclaimed | 4Gamers

An inexplicable tragedy happened suddenly in your life. If time can be reversed, would you be willing to stop everything at all costs? The independent puzzle game “Twelve Minutes” developed by one person was released on August 19 and was highly praised on Steam.

“Twelve Minutes” is a puzzle game developed by former Rockstar and Ubisoft game developer Luis Antonio after leaving the factory. The player plays a husband who has just returned home. It takes less than a few minutes to get along with his wife. A mob who claims to be a policeman breaks in, and you watch your wife being murdered and helpless.


And just when all hope was lost, you went back to the 12 minutes before the incident happened and just before you entered the house, keep all your memories, watching your wife whisper to you if nothing happened, and the mob will break into the house in a few minutes. .

The gameplay is quite clear. Players can explore freely in the house, find available props and items, and find out the truth through the process of thugs breaking in and reincarnation of time.


For example, in the first reincarnation, you know that the mob will break in. You can try to find weapons in the house to defend yourself, but when you find that this is still irreversible, the result of being knocked down is still irretrievable.

In the second reincarnation, you can choose to hide, see what kind of dialogue there will be between the mob and his wife, and find clues from it.


Over time, you will learn how to subdue the mob, force him to tell the truth, or, conversely, ask your wife why your family is the target of the mob.

Although the timeline of the game repeats within 12 minutes, the exploration and plot of the game can be experienced for more than a few hours, and the atmosphere of many sound effects is also in place. Through the switch of God’s perspective and the first-person screen, players can have it at the same time. Objective and subjective game experience.


This work is inspired by the movies “Groundhog Day”, “Memento” and “Rear Window”. The game was first shown in 2015, and finally Luis Antonio convened a small team of 5 people. Co-developed and dubbed the game with the help of publisher Annapurna Interactive.

The new mystery puzzle “Twelve Minutes” has been released on PS4, Xbox One, and Steam platforms.
