
Fubon Art Museum opens collection exhibition to experience the ingenuity of the 6-meter-high space | Culture | CNA

2024/5/4 19:06 (updated at 5/4 19:48)

Fubon Art Museum is designed by Pritzker Architecture Prize winner Renzo. Designed by Renzo Piano and his studio, the overall building emphasizes the vast space. One of the opening exhibitions, “Fubon Collection Exhibition. Touch”, exactly reflects the effect of the high-ceiling and open design of the building on the presentation of giant art works. . (Provided by Fubon Art Museum) Fax of Central News Agency reporter Wang Baoer, May 4, 113

(Central News Agency reporter Wang Baoer, Taipei, 4th) The 3,000-square-meter Fubon Art Museum opened to the public today. Before the museum opened at 11 a.m., there were queues of people waiting to see the exhibition. The building, designed by architect Piano, is also a highlight. The impact of high space on large-scale art works can be seen in the Fubon Collection exhibition.

Fubon Museum of Art is located in Park A25, Xinyi District, Taipei. It was designed by Pritzker Architecture Prize winner Renzo. Run by Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW), RPBW takes “Urban Forest” as its main axis and emphasizes broad space. The exhibition halls are named like “Waterscape”, “Starlight” and “Daylight”. etc., also echoing the theme of the forest.

Lin Yujie, deputy director of Fubon Art Museum, said during a media tour today that one of the opening exhibitions, “Fubon Collection Exhibition – Touching,” particularly allows one to feel the mutual influence between architecture and the works on display. The 6-meter-high space is matched with Piano’s The emphasis on natural lighting makes large-scale works more grand. For example, the effect of the works exhibited by artist Jiang Xianji is also very popular with Jiang Xianji.

The Fubon Collection Exhibition takes “Touch” as its theme. Through the selection and planning, it shares with the public the original intention of the collector and the pure feelings triggered by facing the artwork. It features artists such as Zao Wou-ki, Sanyu, Zhu Yungee, and Jiang Xian. 2. Wang Huaiqing, Su Xiaobai and others were baptized by both Eastern and Western cultures, which resonates with the background of Weng Meihui, the founder and director of Fubon Art Museum, who was deeply influenced by Eastern and Western cultures.

Considered the treasures of the Fubon Art Museum are Sanyu’s “White Lotus” and other nudes and freehand still lifes that have not been exposed for 30 years, as well as important works from Zao Wou-ki’s oracle bone inscription period and paintings from his later years. Weng Meihui stated through the press release that she hopes to let the public understand that art is a dialogue with the inner self. For example, several Sanyu works on display this time were all produced in the private home space of the founder. Now they are released in the exhibition venue, and the emotions are like the separation of children. Give up.

The Fubon Art Museum has been in preparation for nearly 10 years, and now it is finally here. Cai Mingxing, chairman of Fubon Financial Holdings, said that times are changing rapidly. Although cultural undertakings may not have obvious economic benefits on the surface, they firmly believe that it plays an important role in enriching people’s hearts on a spiritual level and can have a profound impact on the entire society’s values ​​and cultural features. (Editor: Chen Zhengwei) 1130504

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