
Global Economy and the Domino Effect

See hundreds of thousands of Sri Lankans. Breaking into the Presidential Palace Before going to bed, Ang Maeng took a picture on the bed of the leader of the country. Either turn to jump in the pool, etc., or show off. “Emotion-Feeling” of the bustle Anger, hatred, vengeance, malice, jealousy and hatred, while the president “Gotabaya Rajapaksa” not only barely escaped from the palace still have to decide to resign Not different from the Prime Minister “Ranil Wickremesinghe” and then have to admit that…it will be something “Cool and cold” Just take one thing…

is, as you know, It’s gone and that’s it!!! that is because “Inflation” price of rice – various items Whether energy, food and medicine, etc., or almost everything. not only up Plus, it’s scarce. It’s hard to find. – Finding colder than looking for a turtle’s mustache – Hare’s horns. Let’s go to that level. Until making a country that has little money – little shells or countries in the “Developing” like Sri Lanka to the point of having to declare a state of “bankrupt” have to pay foreign debt which led to chaos disorganization occurred “riot” the kind of leader of a country who has been in power for a long time “Can’t take it” Having to run away from grandma, lose, lose, lose, lose shape, lose shape, can’t deny and avoid it…

As for the foundation, the origin and the origin of the aforementioned condition…it will have a cause. What are the factors that come from? It must be left to the duty of “expert” Types of analysts in history, economics and political science, etc., he went to investigate the story himself. Although some experts, such as “Honorary Tiger Association President” like father america You will try to come out and throw the shit out of the sins. “Superpower Rivals” like China and Russia For example, if it is because “China’s Debt Trap” that lends to Sri Lanka utilities according to the guidelines “Belt and Road” That’s the main reason. So Sri Lanka has no money left to pay debts. Although China’s debt is only 10 percent of Sri Lanka’s total debt. or turn to blame for “Russian invasion of Ukraine” Thus making this small country unable to buy various products, whether it is oil, rice, fertilizer, etc., or anything else. “problem” level “Can’t take it” As you can see…

whereby “Put good on yourself – put bad on others” According to the fortunes and traditions of America’s father I almost didn’t even think about turning around and checking myself. that the policy interest rate hike of the Central Bank of America including all European allies to fight “Inflation” Over and over again in the meantime has become an increase in the amount of debt to a developing country like Sri Lanka, to what stage and to what stage? “Default on foreign debts” to the point of “bankrupt” Therefore, it may not be only Sri Lanka. Or if it is, according to the word, word, interview of the head of the World Bank Economic Team. “Mr. Carmen Reinhart” On Saturday (July 9) in the past, the likelihood of an event similar to Sri Lanka or a “Default on foreign debts” leading to chaos Domestic riots at Penny-Little Hoi or “Developing countries” Many have become “fact” that are continually occurring, not only “assumptions” Any longer…

Whether it is a Latin American country like El Salvador, an African country like Ghana, Egypt, Tunisia, or an Asian country like Pakistan, etc., “Debt Crisis” go all together or waiting in line “Default payment” to a country no less than 19 countries, which may lead to riots chaos in a way that is no different from the spread of germs or different symptoms of the so-called “Domino Effect” Types may be broken into stripes. in each hemisphere confusion, turmoil, disorganization “Change” The same is happening in Sri Lanka itself. because of the current trend of the world in this period are covered with “Signs of Darkness” As the Director of the International Monetary Fund “IMF” at “Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva” She came out to a summary on Wednesday (July 6) that was about to happen. “We are in a wave of financial turmoil.” The kind that no matter what government, it’s up to Yaxx to control. especially when each individual is inevitable to face inflation. Increasing the interest rate policy whizzing by each country’s central banks. including the slower economic growth rate of economic powers like China. until the most brutal sanction against the Russian white bear Kind of wanting to let Katina die for you, etc…

Even more interesting is that … in the midst of the global economic gloom. pretending to be depressed regression in the long term according to the opinions of many experts is not just facing a stagnation of economic growth, or “Stagnation” not only, but also adding to the condition “inflation” or “Inflation” until it becomes “Stagflation” gone now But that almost didn’t happen. “Cooperation – Unite” in thinking, solving problems, thinking to alleviate suffering trouble chaos that it is spreading, spreading throughout the world On the contrary, it creates more motivation, motivation in which to take advantage, take advantage of “critical” in each hemisphere to lead to advantages – disadvantages “geopolitics” between big and rich countries or countries “superpower” Those who are chasing, crushing, chasing between each other are no different from “Elephants collide” which is equal to being a aggravation to the poor small countries or countries “Developing” In each case, they were in the same situation as “Grass Praek” Under the paw of an elephant, sir…

This is it… that it might make “Woe” The more will only spread to the end or the more difficult to solve, the colder, the more because “effect” that is happening to small and poor countries or developing countries In the end… it will have a positive effect back to the rich countries. or developed countries that cannot be denied and avoided Small country debt default such as Sri Lanka or Pakistan, will affect the economic superpower like China. the loan in the project “BRI” I don’t know how much, how much, how much, how much, what step is still unable to draw a clear conclusion Attempts to take advantage of political interference forced small countries to You have to choose a side, move your side, America and the West. to attack rival superpowers such as China and Russia, which “Change” politics in each country More and more complex until it may lead to “Terrorism” or causing symptoms “extreme” On one side, on one side, these things…all will bring “Long term problem” Let’s all go together, all…

The picture of the events that are taking place in Sri Lanka…so it is no different from “Sample movie” at the small countries little countries must be picked up and used as a parable, a thought provoking thought, keep it heavy especially when “Current of Change” of the world at the moment. “Domino Effect” or from one point can spread to another always one Until the point that they may have to crumble together like a whole panel, so … don’t even go with confidence. I’m too confident that I can “Take it” Easy to get together, even Thailand, land of Siam, of the villagers. How stable is the economic foundation? There are fish in the water and rice in the fields. There are attractions that everyone wishes to meet and touch, etc., but if “politics” It still hasn’t thought of where to go. Still going back and forth to the same place, the same way, for centuries opportunity to “Cool and cold” Just like the pictures of events seen in Sri Lanka, it’s not that…it’s impossible!!!