
Government Implements Non-Tariff Measures to Control Agricultural and Marine Product Prices


The government has taken the non-tariff card to control the prices of seven types of agricultural and marine products, including cabbage, cabbage, and dried seaweed.

It was also decided to release piles of squid and marlins, also known as ‘golden squid.’

It remains to be seen whether this will help stabilize prices.

Reporter Oh In-seok reports.


In a press conference marking the second anniversary of his inauguration, President Yoon emphasized price stability as the most important economic indicator.

[윤석열 / 대통령(9일) : 모든 수단을 강구해서 장바구니 물가와 외식 물가를 잡는데 정부의 역량을 총동원하겠습니다.]

The government has decided to impose new quota tariffs on seven types of agricultural and marine products, including cabbage, carrots, and seaweed, in order to stabilize market prices.

Zero tariffs will be applied to all cabbage imports until the end of October, 6,000 tonnes of cabbage until the end of next month, and all cocoa bean imports until December.

700 tonnes and 125 tonnes of dried seaweed and seasoned seaweed, respectively, are also subject to tariff quotas.

The aim is to reduce tariffs to 0% and increase import volume to curb price volatility.

In particular, as the price of seaweed has risen sharply recently, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, the Fair Trade Commission, and the Coast Guard jointly conducted an on-site inspection of the distribution market and decided to expand production this year by developing 2,700. hectare of new fish farms.

It is 3,800 times the size of a football field.

In addition, in order to stabilize seafood prices, 5,000 tons of squid, mackerel, and knife fish stockpiled by the government will be released to the market.

Along with this, cabbage and radish are released every day during this month.

[김병환 / 기획재정부 1차관 : 특히 장바구니 물가 안정을 위해 5월에도 매일 배추 110톤, 무 80톤 규모를 지속 방출하고, 5∼6월 중에는 바나나, 키위, 체리 등 직수입 과일을 3만5천 톤 이상 도입하겠습니다.]

The government launched a government-wide People’s Livelihood Stability Support Group to reduce the gap between economic indicators and the public’s perception of the situation.

We intend to make every effort to ensure that the economic recovery on the surface leads to price stability, which is the most important indicator of people’s livelihood.

This is Oh In-seok from YTN.

Video editing: Kim Hee-jeong
Design: Wonhee Lee

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