
“Gu, from March, ‘test of fair scholarly ability’ ordered… to be examined by the Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation”

delivery time2023-06-16 14:55

Deputy Minister of Education “It is difficult to see that it is in the curriculum a ‘killing question'”

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Correspondent Goh Seok-sun = Vice Minister of Education Chang Sang-yoon said that President Yoon Seok-yeol’s comments on the college scholastic ability test (CSAT) on the 16th are instructions for a “fair scholastic ability test ”, and examined the Korean Curriculum and Evaluation Institute to see if they were implementing it correctly.

However, he said that the so-called ‘killer questions’ (super-difficulty questions), made by ‘turning’ to adjust the level of difficulty, were difficult to see as being within the curriculum, but it was not meaning that the president’s comments should lower the difficulty level of the SAT.

Vice Minister of Education Jang Sang-yoon said in a background briefing for reporters from the Ministry of Education that afternoon, “We have had a policy goal of ‘fair CSAT’ since March.”

At the same time, he explained that he was taking personnel measures because he judged that this position of the government was not fully reflected.

Specifically, regarding some questions in the CSAT, he noted, “With the aim of adjusting the difficulty level, the questions are twisted so much that I hear stories of ‘killer questions’ and ‘outside to the curriculum’.”

Vice Minister Jang said, “We plan to inspect the Korea Curriculum and Evaluation Institute, which is the organization that sets the college entrance exam, to see if it is carrying out the president’s instructions properly.”

Jang Sang-yoon, Vice Minister of Education, speaking

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Lee Jeong-hoon = Vice Minister of Education Jang Sang-yoon speaking at the Legislation Review Subcommittee of the Education Committee held at the National Assembly on the morning of the 8th. 2023.6.8

However, Vice Minister Jang did not answer what exactly the problem was outside the curriculum.

He said, “It seems difficult to definitively decide whether a particular problem or fingerprint is outside the curriculum or not,” and “I understand that the important point is how well I was able to be taught is sufficient in the school curriculum (that is. it should be presented in). “

He continued, “I think that even if the questions are written within the curriculum, the level of difficulty can be adjusted and differentiation can be achieved to some extent.” Even with me, I can ask tough questions,” he explained.

Report via KakaoTalk okjebo
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2023/06/16 14:55 Sent