
Health Network》Beware of liver cirrhosis!Medical advice: 8 types of people should take “abdominal ultrasound” regularly – Free Health Network

Doctors pointed out that the liver is not completely insensitive, but the nerves of the liver are distributed on the surface, not inside. Therefore, you will only feel uncomfortable when the surface of the liver is stimulated; the picture is a situational photo. (Picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]45-year-old Mrs. Wang came to the clinic for an abdominal ultrasound examination. Because she was nervous, she asked her husband to also undergo the examination. Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang who accompanied him was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. In this regard, Taoyuan Honglin Clinic physician Zheng Hongzhi pointed out that the nerves of the liver are distributed on the surface. Usually when you feel discomfort, the symptoms are already serious. It is recommended that 8 types of people can receive “abdominal ultrasound” regularly, such as those with a family history of liver disease, chronic Patients with liver disease, jaundice or abdominal pain, etc.

Cheng Hongzhi, a physician at Taoyuan Honglin Clinic, posted on the Facebook page “Your Gastroenterologist Cheng Hongzhi Internal Medicine Chronic Disease” that Mr. Wang was diagnosed with hepatitis B when he was young, but never felt sick. Causing him to neglect regular follow-up inspections. After decades, he had no habit of health check-ups. He only discovered he had cirrhosis of the liver when he accompanied his wife to the clinic for an abdominal ultrasound examination.

The liver is the silent hero, pain often leads to severe illness

Zheng Hongzhi explained that the liver is often called the silent hero of the human body. It quietly helps us do a series of important tasks every day! From breaking down toxins in food, storing energy, producing important proteins, to synthesizing cholesterol, helping with blood clotting, and more. But many times, we may not know that it is suffering silently.

Is “silent” an adjective for liver? Actually, no, the liver is not completely insensitive. It’s just that the nerves of the liver are distributed on the surface and not inside the liver. Therefore, you will only feel uncomfortable when the surface of the liver is stimulated, such as large liver cancer or liver rupture and bleeding. After the surface of the liver is stimulated, , the patient begins to feel pain, but at this time the condition is often very serious, and the difficulty of treatment also increases.

Regular abdominal ultrasounds to detect potential problems early

In addition to blood tests, Zheng Hongzhi mentioned that the most direct and effective way is to conduct regular abdominal ultrasound examinations. It is a painless and non-invasive examination that does not require the injection of any anesthesia. It also allows doctors to directly observe the condition of the liver and detect potential problems early.

Abdominal ultrasound can detect cysts, tumors, or other abnormalities in the liver. Regular examinations can detect and prevent diseases early and avoid worsening of the condition.

“These people” recommend regular abdominal ultrasounds

●People with a family history of liver disease:For example, someone in the family may have had cirrhosis or liver cancer.

People with chronic liver disease:For example, long-term carriers of hepatitis B and C or patients with fatty liver.

●Alcoholics:Long-term excessive drinking may lead to cirrhosis or other liver problems.

●Obese people:Obesity is a major risk factor for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

●Diabetes patients:People with diabetes may be at higher risk of fatty liver disease.

●Those who take medicine for a long time:Some drugs may cause chronic damage to the liver.

●Those with symptoms such as jaundice, abdominal pain, weight loss, and loss of appetite:These may be signs of liver abnormalities.

●Age factor:The risk of liver disease increases with age. It is recommended that you get regular check-ups after the age of 30.

Zheng Hongzhi reminded that drinking less, maintaining a balanced diet, exercising moderately, and avoiding exposure to toxic substances can reduce the burden on the liver. Finally, if you or your relatives or friends are worried about the status of your liver, it is recommended that you still have regular abdominal ultrasound examinations!

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