
Hideo Kojima said that he suggested a “cross-platform” game function ten years ago, but they couldn’t understand it when he told the executives | T Kebang

Hideo Kojima recently tweeted and chatted with fans about the game’s cross-platform features. He said that in fact, a long time ago, he proposed the concept of “transfer”, allowing players to switch between two devices to play, but at that time, the executives did not understand what this function was for.

Hideo Kojima said that ten years ago, players had two choices. Do they want to play the game on the console or use the handheld? There were not high-spec smartphones back then, just traditional phones.

He said, “So I came up with ‘transferring’, which allows players to play the same game across platforms. The benefits of this feature were not fully understood by high-level people at the time. However, it is now quite common.”

Back 10 years ago, when Hideo Kojima was still busy supervising the PS3/Xbox 360 game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, the only handheld console at that time was the Wii that was just released. U, and the PSP that is about to be discontinued. So if he proposed the cross-platform function on this game, in the era when there was no concept of cloud streaming game at that time, it might be really difficult for the high-level people to understand the benefits of this.

But the cross-platform play function proposed by Hideo Kojima was an avant-garde idea at the time.