
If there is a lot of visceral fat, diabetes will follow. Can drinking green tea eliminate it? Dr. Liu Boen: 4 Keys to Eliminate Visceral Fat |

Fat people must look fat? Is all fat bad? Not always! In fact, very good fat is necessary for the body. For visceral fat, its function is to protect the internal organs from being damaged by collisions; however, not only will excess visceral fat cause “abdominal enemies”, including fatty liver, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease is closely related to it, but it is an indisputable fact! How can we get rid of visceral fat? There is a rumor that “eating more seaweed sprouts, green tea, and natto can eliminate visceral fat?” Is it true? Let’s listen to what famous weight loss doctor Liu Boen has to say.

What is visceral fat?

What is visceral fat? Liu Boen, executive director of the Taiwan Association for Prevention and Control of Obesity and an expert in weight loss, said that visceral fat is located deep in the abdominal cavity and covers the organs in the body: heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, intestines, ovaries and uterus, stored inside the intestine. The function of visceral fat is to protect internal organs from being damaged by collisions. However, if too much fat accumulates due to obesity, metabolic syndrome will occur, and physiologically high three, fatty liver, and insulin resistance will appear and syndrome hypoxic.

Visceral fat is sometimes not easy to see from the appearance, because this type of patient may not have much subcutaneous fat, and the appearance does not necessarily look fat. Only MRI or computed tomography of the it can be verified.

Visceral fat is a key factor that increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Visceral fat is a key factor that increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Study: Obesity with visceral fat increases risk of type 2 diabetes

According to researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden, for every additional kilogram of visceral fat in women, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes can be more than seven times higher in women, and twice the risk in men. Too much fat covering the liver, kidneys, intestines and other organs will cause insulin resistance, which will block sugar metabolism, and cause what is known as type 2 diabetes (the acquired diabetes as called, compared to the first type Diabetes is the). the inability of the pancreas to secrete enough insulin, which is a different pathological mechanism). Visceral fat is arguably a key factor in increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Net transfer: Eating more seaweed sprouts, green tea, and natto can eliminate visceral fat?

Recently, some foreign scholars have suggested eating more kelp sprouts, barley, natto, green tea, mackerel, etc. to help eliminate visceral fat What is the truth? According to Dr. Liu Boen’s analysis, the nutritional content of these foods shows, for example, that seaweed sprouts contain iodine, which is closely related to thyroid gland synthesis. Thyroid hormone is related to the metabolic rate, and the main ingredient of barley is not only dietary fiber, but also contains β-glucan, and these polymers cannot pass through the intestinal wall cells, so they cannot be broken down, absorbed and digested as starch Heat production. Mackerel is also a very low-calorie protein food, which can be taken as a low-calorie food. In general green tea drinks, in addition to tannic acid, there are also rich catechins, which can increase the physiological metabolic rate. According to a study in the authoritative medical journal “Gut”, green tea combined with the Mediterranean diet, after 18 months of long-term consumption, can help reduce visceral fat.

As for the common natto food on the Internet, it contains an ingredient called nattokinase, which can prevent excess cholesterol, thereby helping to prevent cardiovascular diseases, and also has the effect of increasing metabolic rate. Natto is also rich in vitamin B12, which is an important element for the maintenance of body cells. However, in the process of losing weight, we should also pay attention to the balance of calories. If the starch content is too low, it will also cause the risk of ketoacidosis in the long term.

The accumulation of visceral fat is not permanent. As long as you take appropriate measures and combine exercise and diet, you can continue to reduce your own visceral fat.

High fiber foods such as whole grains and vegetables can prevent food digestion and nutrient absorption, increase satiety and reduce appetite, and achieve the effect of reducing visceral fat.

High fiber foods such as whole grains and vegetables can prevent food digestion and nutrient absorption, increase satiety and reduce appetite, and achieve the effect of reducing visceral fat.

4 Tips to Get Rid of Fat Burns

To get rid of visceral fat, you still have to start losing weight. The following are tips to help you lose weight:

1. Reduce sugar:

Visceral fat accumulation is associated with sugars (carbohydrates) High sugar diets such as refined white flour and starchy vegetables (such as corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes) will increase blood sugar in the body, and the pancreas will secrete and large amounts of insulin, increasing fat accumulation.

2. Eat less red meat:

Red meat is high in calories and will also stimulate the secretion of insulin, which may cause fat accumulation. It is recommended that you try not to eat too much red meat, such as beef, pork, lamb, etc., and eat white meat, such as chicken, fish, etc.

3. Take more dietary fibre:

High fiber foods such as whole grains and vegetables can prevent food digestion and nutrient absorption, increase satiety and reduce appetite, and achieve the effect of reducing visceral fat. It is recommended to take in enough dietary fiber every day, at least 20 grams or more.

4. Plenty of exercise:

In addition to paying attention to diet, it is also recommended to have enough exercise In general, it is recommended to have aerobic exercise at least 3 days a week, each exercise is around 30 minutes, and the intensity should reach around 130 heart beats, and persistence , It will be very useful for eliminating visceral fat.
