
Imported Sudanese red chili powder Li Yanting: Sun pollution in plastic bags cannot be ruled out

Li Yanting, the head of Longhai Tongji Food Company, was arrested and charged by the prosecutor because he lost contact. However, he accused the police of arresting him with a duplicate arrest ticket. After the interrogation, he requested that the judge find that the arrest was illegal and release him in court.Reporter Zhang Yichen/Photography

Li Yanting, the person in charge of Longhai Tongji Food, was accused of importing Sudanese red chili powder. After the prosecutor resumed the hearing, he and his sister-in-law Wu were detained. They were released on bail of 80 and 200,000 yuan respectively. Yesterday, the investigation summoned two more people. However, they could not be contacted. At noon, the police arrested Li Nan. Wu heard that Li Nan had been detained and immediately reported to the health bureau. However, Li counterattacked and accused the police of failing to produce the “original” arrest ticket during his arrest, making the arrest procedure illegal, and requested a lawyer for interrogation. The judge believed that the police had illegally arrested him and ruled that he should be released in court about 45 minutes after the hearing.

Li Yanting entrusted his lawyers Lin Shimeng and Lin Kai to issue a statement last night, saying that after being released on bail by the court, he had not violated any bail or resisted prosecution, nor had he fled or colluded with witnesses, and he cooperated with the judicial investigation; regarding the detection of Sudan Red One thing said that cross-contamination caused by plastic bags sunbathing cannot be ruled out.

The prosecutor found that Li Yanting established “Longhai Tongji Company” in the mainland and purchased chili powder in rural areas for initial processing. In the past, chili powder imported from the mainland was only “randomly inspected” at the border and was not 100% inspected.

After an investigation and search on the 8th of this month, Li Yanting, Li’s sister-in-law Wu Nu (the person in charge of Jinzhan) and employees surnamed Xie and Zhang (Li’s second sister-in-law) were brought back. After the prosecutor resumed the investigation, Zhang Nu was given 100,000 yuan. Li Yanting and the others were released on bail, but the court believed that the relevant exhibits had been seized, and they only released bail for 800,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan.

The prosecutor was dissatisfied and filed a protest. Yesterday evening, the Kaohsiung High School Branch revoked the decision and sent it back to the district court for a ruling. The detention court will reopen this morning.

[See original link]

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