
Imprisonment and a fine of up to 200,000 pesos in Querétaro for sexual conversion therapies

Deputies of the local legislature of Querétaro unanimously approved reforms to punish with imprisonment and with up to 207 thousand pesos of fine to those who incur in presumed sexual conversion therapies, also known as Efforts to Correct Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (ECOSIG).

In session of the state congress, legislators unanimously endorsed reforms to the laws of Mental Health, and of the Rights of Girls, Boys and Adolescents of the State and to the Penal Code of the entity.

The reform establishes sanctions of between 2 to 6 years in prison, as well as the payment of fines ranging from 250 to 2,000 Measurement and Update Units (UMA), that is, from 26,935 to 207,480 pesos and 50 to 100 hours of work in favor of the community to who imparts and promotes this type of supposed therapies.

In the opinion it was established that the sanctions will increase by one half and it will be prosecuted ex officio when “therapies” are applied against girls, boys or adolescents or person who does not have the capacity to understand the meaning of the fact or to resist the conduct.

