
Innocent Faces: Socially Relevant Thriller featuring One-Year-Old Child Garners Attention on Social Media

Film Poster of Innocent Child with Tears and Smiles Sparks Social Media Buzz

The upcoming film, written and directed by Rakesh Ravi, has garnered significant attention on social media with its captivating poster featuring the innocent and lovely face of a child with tears and smiles. Produced by Saboor Rahman under the banner of Saboor Rahman Films, the movie is set to deliver a socially relevant story within a thrilling backdrop.

Cast and Crew

The central character in the film is portrayed by Ital Shree, a one-year-old boy, who is joined by a talented ensemble including Shaun Xavier, Vaishnavi Kalyani, Samarth Ambujakshan, Rakesh Kallara, Mahin Bakar, Roshna Rajan, and Joel Varghese.

The film also boasts impressive behind-the-scenes talent, including cinematography by Prem Ponnan, music by Anand Nambir and Nitin K Shiva, lyrics by Din Nath Puthanchery and Human Siddique, editing by Kapil Gopalakrishnan, art direction by Sasidharan Michael, costumes by Neena and Binsi, makeup by Sujanadas, production management by Ajesh Unni, and production design by Rakesh Sarjan. The lead associate directors are Abhijith Human and Amal Oscar, with graphic design by Sreelal and stills by Jijo Angamali. The film’s public relations efforts are being handled by PRO- MK Shejin.

Upcoming Releases

Additionally, Lokesh Kanagaraj’s ‘Fight Club’ is set to make its way to Kerala, courtesy of Dream Big Films.

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Last Updated December 12, 2023, 12:00 AM IST

The innocent and lovely face of a child with tears and smiles. The poster of this film is already attracting attention on social media. The film is written and directed by Rakesh Ravi. The film is produced by Saboor Rahman under the banner of Saboor Rahman Films. The film tells a socially relevant story in a thriller backdrop.

Ital Shree, a one-year-old boy, plays the central character. It also stars Shaun Xavier, Vaishnavi Kalyani, Samarth Ambujakshan, Rakesh Kallara, Mahin Bakar, Roshna Rajan and Joel Varghese.

Cinematography by Prem Ponnan, Music by Anand Nambir, Nitin K Shiva, Lyrics by Din Nath Puthanchery, Human Siddique, Editing by Kapil Gopalakrishnan, Art by Sasidharan Michael, Costumes by Neena, Binsi, Makeup by Sujanadas, Production Manager by Ajesh Unni, Production Designer by Rakesh Sarjan, Lead Associate Director by Abhijith Human, Amal Oscar, Graphic Designer Sreelal, Stills Jijo Angamali, PRO- MK Shejin.

ALSO READ : Lokesh Kanagaraj’s ‘Fight Club’ will be coming to Kerala by Dream Big Films

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Last Updated December 12, 2023, 12:00 AM IST
#central #character #oneyearold #child #Confession #coming