
Introducing the ‘K-Pass’ Transport Card: How to Get Reimbursed for Public Transport Costs

A view from the Seoul Station bus stop. /News 1

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced on the 17th that it would introduce the ‘K-Pass’ transport card, which allows users to receive reimbursement for a portion of monthly public transport costs, starting in May. If you use public transport such as buses or subways more than 15 times a month, in the following month, 20% of the expenses are paid to the public, 30% to young people (19 to 34 years old), and 30 % for low income people (Beneficiaries under the Basic Livelihood Security Act and the next lowest class) You can get 53% back in the form of cash, mileage, credit card deduction, etc. However, the government has yet to set the maximum limit per use of public transport, and is said to currently consider it to be around 3,000 won. The government intends to confirm and provide guidance before implementation in May.

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, K-Pass was originally due to be implemented in July, but the implementation date was brought forward to May to reduce the burden of public transport costs and encourage the use of public transport . In addition, the minimum usage requirement was reduced from the original 21 times per month to 15 times, allowing more people to use it. K-Pass can be used not only on city buses, metropolitan buses, and subways, but also on GTX-A, which is scheduled to open in March.

Users using existing economic transport cards can continue to use their existing cards after going through the membership conversion process. Starting in May, new users can use the K-Pass by selecting the transit card product they want through the official K-Pass website, mobile app, or the websites of 11 credit card companies.

An official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said, “Currently, 176 local governments have participated in the K-Pass, and it is planned to expand to 189 local governments from May, when it will be implemented . governments across the country participate, with the exception of some local governments with a population of less than 100,000.” “He said. The government intends to implement business preparation procedures, such as developing systems and apps, without interference through consultation with relevant organizations such as local governments and credit card companies.

[조선일보와 미디어DX가 공동 개발한 생성형 AI의 도움을 받아 작성한 기사입니다.]

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