
‘Snow’ obstacle to education in Tunceli and Bingöl

While the snow in Tunceli and Bingöl negatively affected daily life, the snow depth in Ovacık, Pülümür, Hozat, Nazımiye and Mazgirt districts reached up to half a meter. The governorship stated that education was suspended for one day in all schools in these 5 districts and only in village schools in Pertek district. and announced that pregnant staff were also given one day of administrative leave.

Bingöl’s Karlıova and Kiğı district governorships announced that education in the districts was suspended for one day due to heavy snowfall and adverse weather conditions, and that pregnant and disabled public employees would also be considered on administrative leave. In the statement made by Yedisu District Governorship, it was stated that “Due to the excessive snowfall, frost and icing in our district, education was suspended for 1 day for students in the field of transportation education at Kürdan and Döşengi schools on Wednesday, January 17.”