
Is swallowing food between the teeth a warning sign of tooth decay? Ignoring the 4 serious auras can lead to serious diseases | Life Matters

January 26, 2023 07:00

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Food often “takes teeth” a warning sign for tooth decay? It can cause periodontal disease or even heart disease? Some dentists noted that the location of tooth decay may not be obvious, but if there are four conditions in the mouth and teeth, it can be a sign of tooth decay, including food often getting stuck between the teeth.


Loss of minerals can lead to tooth decay

According to the Hong Kong Department of Health, tooth decay is caused by the breakdown of the tooth surface by acidic substances. Tooth decay occurs when bacteria grow on the surface of the teeth, forming a sticky, colorless film (plaque). Shortly after eating, the bacteria in the dental plaque will use the sugar in the food to produce acidic substances, which will break down the surface of the tooth and cause the loss of minerals on the surface of the tooth, leading to tooth decay. If left untreated, mineral loss continues, damaging the surface of the tooth and forming cavities.

4 Signs of Tooth Decay

The orthodontist Cai Yalan posted on her facebook page that there are 4 warning signs of tooth decay:

1. A strange taste in the mouth

2. Black spots on the teeth

3. The teeth are clearly concave, and food is often stuck between the teeth

4. Teeth are sensitive when brushing teeth and eating hot or cold food

Black spots and cavities are relatively easy to find, and when most people see black holes in their teeth, they can intuitively judge that they are tooth decay.


Dr Cai said that tooth decay will always appear in obvious places, and it can also appear in the gap between the teeth. If you cannot identify with the naked eye, you can judge the possibility of tooth decay yourself based on the above signs, and then go to the dentist for a comprehensive examination.

Further reading: Tooth decay symptoms + treatment methods at each stage

The Hong Kong Department of Health lists the symptoms and treatment methods of the 3 stages of tooth decay:

1. Cavities just started

Early tooth decay does not feel pain, the surface of the tooth is usually intact, no cavities can be seen with the naked eye. Decayed areas near the teeth are more difficult to detect and sometimes require X-rays to confirm.

Treatment: Dentists can apply high concentration fluoride to the areas with early tooth decay, so that the initial bad areas can be repaired.

2. Tooth decay spreads to the dentin

Cavities can develop in the teeth and dental discomfort can arise when eating.

Treatment method: If the rotted soil is not large and the tooth is still very strong, it can be filled.

3. Tooth decay spreads to the pulp

Visible cavities in the teeth, causing severe pain. Dental pulp can become infected by bacteria and become necrotic, and cells can spread from the pulp through the apical foramen into the adjacent periodontal tissue, causing inflammation and possible abscess.

Treatment: Endodontics (endodontics), with artificial crowns if necessary. If the dentist decides that the patient is not suitable for endodontic treatment, the tooth will need to be extracted.


Further reading: Ways to prevent tooth decay

The Hong Kong Department of Health lists 3 main methods to prevent tooth decay:

1. Cultivate good eating habits

Every time you eat or drink, the minerals on the surface of the teeth will be lost, leading to a chance of tooth decay. The more you eat and drink, the more the chance of tooth decay. Therefore, three meals in the morning, lunch and dinner should be set regularly, and the portions should be sufficient, and eating at times other than main meals should be avoided in order to reduce the frequency of eating and drinking. If you feel hungry between meals, you can have a snack once. Drinking only water when you are thirsty can reduce the chance of tooth decay.

2. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste morning and night

Fluoride strengthens teeth and makes them less susceptible to acid attack. Fluoride also helps to return lost minerals to the teeth, allowing early tooth decay to be repaired. Therefore, you should brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste every morning and before going to bed at night.

3. Regular oral examination every year

Have a dental checkup at least once a year to detect tooth decay early. Receive cavity prevention treatment, such as hole and fissure sealing treatment, as needed.

Extended reading: Toothache and tooth decay 4 terrible endings

Dentist Liu Fuxuan and doctor Fu Yuxiang once posted on their Facebook pages that ignoring dental health is likely to cause chronic diseases. Here are four terrible consequences of bad teeth:

4 chronic diseases caused by ignoring dental health

1. Heart disease

The toxins released by dental bacterial disease bacteria are very harmful to the body, and the residual oral bacteria will enter the blood, which can lead to heart disease or stroke in severe cases .

2. Diabetes Diabetes and periodontal disease will become a vicious circle, and the two will drag each other. Diabetes will change the patient’s immunity, making
Periodontal inflammation is more prone to inflammation; patients with severe periodontal inflammation will be less likely to control blood sugar.

3. Dementia

According to a Japanese study, the risk of dementia increases significantly for those who have less than 20 real teeth after the age of 60. Because chewing teeth is like helping the brain to exercise, it can stimulate the brain and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

4. High blood pressure

According to a British study, people with periodontal disease have a 49% higher risk of high blood pressure, and the more severe the condition, the higher the average blood pressure.


Further reading: There are 5 situations where wisdom teeth need to be removed

According to the information from the Hong Kong Department of Health, the extraction of wisdom teeth is not a necessary operation If the wisdom tooth does not affect oral hygiene, is completely buried in the alveolar bone and does not grow out , or does not cause discomfort, immediate surgery is not required. However, wisdom teeth should be surgically removed as soon as possible if:

1. The gums covering the wisdom teeth are often inflamed, resulting in recurrent “wisdom tooth pericoronitis”.

2. Suffering from severe “wisdom teeth pericoronitis”.

3. Severely decayed wisdom teeth, periodontal disease, pulpitis, or symptoms around the root tip of the tooth.

4. “Impacted Wisdom Teeth” causes the roots of adjacent teeth to shrink.

5. The dental cyst around the wisdom tooth is swollen and can damage the jawbone tissue (if these symptoms are detected, the cyst and the “affected wisdom tooth” must be removed together).

Further reading: 8 ways to relieve discomfort after wisdom teeth extraction

The Department of Health also pointed out that if the wisdom teeth extraction operation has just been completed, the sutures used by ordinary patients can dissolve automatically, and there is no need for a dentist to remove the sutures, and the wound will heal from within about two. weeks. If you experience discomfort while waiting to heal, try the following:

Alleviate and relieve discomfort

1. Avoid touching the wound and gargling, and it is not wise to brush your teeth.

2. You are advised to eat soft food and chew with the other side of the tooth.

3. Avoid heavy work or vigorous exercise.

4. Do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages.

5. You can apply ice on your face on the day after the operation to reduce facial swelling.

6. The next day, you can apply a warm towel to the swollen area to relieve discomfort.

7. Maintain oral hygiene to prevent wound infection.

8. Three or four days after the operation, you can eat soft food. If the wound is painful, you can take painkillers according to the doctor’s instructions.

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