
Kadyrov Brigade in Russia: Traffic jams instead of heroic deeds

Chechen soldiers wanted to defend Russian cities from the Wagner troops on Saturday. There were scenes that amuse the network.

When thousands of Wagner mercenaries moved in a convoy on Saturday, first to the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don and later to Moscow, there was a heightened state of alert throughout Russia. Wagner boss Prigozhin announced an uprising, and the Kremlin tried to take protective measures to prevent riots.

Chechen ruler Ramzan Kadyrov had also criticized the Russian military leadership in the past. But in the explosive situation he sent his troops to Russia – to help defend the country.

But already on the journey of the military vehicles to Rostov, there were scenes that caused a laugh on social media.

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Kadyrov’s troops on their way to Rostov: the Chechen fighters wanted to prevent the Wagner mercenaries’ uprising on Saturday. So they moved across Russian territory with heavy artillery.
But all of a sudden the soldiers couldn’t move forward or backward: there was a backlog of military troops in the middle of Russia.
These images shared online show the traffic chaos. It is not clear how long the Chechens had to hold out here.
That same evening, a unit of 20 people sent to Moscow arrived in the capital.
And shot a video for social media in the sunset. The Kadyrov fighters were known in the past for their photos in which they flaunt themselves and their weapons.
The fact that the small troupe presents itself so heroically and conveys the image that it has defended the Russian capital causes a lot of derision on the Internet.
This video appeared on Sunday: The Kadyrov fighters in Rostov were probably instructed to retreat here. It is not known whether this also applied to the unit in Moscow.

You can see how the Kadyrov brigade made a fool of itself with traffic chaos and which recordings from Moscow also caused ridicule here or in the video above.