
Kim Dong-yeon meets with the twenty second Elected Nationwide Meeting and requests cooperation on ‘three financial legal guidelines’ together with the Particular Semiconductor Act

Governor Kim Dong-yeon offers a greeting. [사진=경기도]

Gyeonggi-do Governor Kim Dong-yeon met with the Gyeonggi-do constituency-elect for the twenty second Nationwide Meeting election and requested them to affix collectively on the ‘3 financial legal guidelines’, that are main legislative duties in Gyeonggi Province, by together with △ enactment of the semiconductor particular legislation △ enactment and evaluation of RE100 3 legal guidelines △ enactment of the particular legislation for the institution of North Gyeonggi Particular Self-Governing Province.

On the night of the twenty fourth, Governor Kim Dong-yeon invited the Gyeonggi-do constituency-elect to a gathering in Dodamso, the previous official residence of the Gyeonggi-do governor, and stated, “I’m grateful that many individuals got here, anyway in favor . “As governor, I want to inform you only one factor,” he stated.

Governor Kim stated, “Our legislation is a help system for particular person industrial complexes, so there are vital limitations in supporting semiconductor integration. RE100, main the response to local weather change.” “That is needed,” he stated.

Governor Kim then requested for help for this, saying, “We’re at present pushing for a particular legislation for the North Gyeonggi Particular Self-Governing Province, and plenty of lawmakers within the northern area already help it.”

The Particular Semiconductor Act refers back to the following: △ designate a particular semiconductor zone to help infrastructure similar to energy and water, intensive inward motion for firms, safe human assets, and increase new and renewable power, △ loosening laws within the metropolitan space, △ supporting fabless and medium-sized companies, and △ making a semiconductor ecosystem fund.


The three RE100 legal guidelines seek advice from △revision of the ‘New and Renewable Vitality Act’ to understand RE100 nationally, △enactment of the ‘Agricultural Photo voltaic Energy Help Act (tentative title)’ to understand RE100 in rural areas, and △revision of the △Industrial Clusters Act’ to understand RE100 in industrial complexes.

Consultant-elect Choo Mi-ae (Democratic Occasion of Korea, Hanam Hole) stated, “If Gyeonggi Province does effectively, I feel Korea will do effectively too. “Thanks for calling us at a time when there’s a want for communication and collaboration on the stage of the Nationwide Meeting to steer the growing provincial authorities.” “Remembering the previous idiom, we are going to at all times hearken to what we must always do and what the individuals need in response to overwhelming help,” he stated.

President-elect Kim Seong-won (Folks Energy Occasion, Dongducheon, Yangju, Yeoncheon) stated, “Governor Kim Dong-yeon purchased us a really costly meal referred to as the three financial legal guidelines. “Particularly, the North Gyeonggi Particular Self-Governing Province will attempt to consider within the tenacity of Governor Kim,” he stated “With the sense of duty because the ruling occasion, we are going to work collectively to take duty for the affairs of Gyeonggi – sure is in progress. “

Consultant-elect Lee Jun-seok (New Reform Occasion, Hwaseong) stated, “There’s a New Reform Occasion in my constituency, and since it’s 100% Gyeonggi-do, I hope to have the ability to concentrate on Gyeonggi-do and participate. in future legislative and occasion actions.” He added, “As a citizen of Gyeonggi-do, I can even contribute to the event of Gyeonggi-do sooner or later.” “I’ll do my finest so as to add no matter I can,” he stated.

President-elect Jeong Seong-ho (Democratic Occasion of Korea, Dongducheon, Yangju, Yeoncheongap), who gave the toast on this present day, stated, “The Republic of Korea solely develops when Gyeonggi-do develops. “For Gyeonggi-do to actually develop, north Gyeonggi should develop additional,” he stated, including, “Please take note of the North Gyeonggi Particular Self-Governing Province Act.”

Consultant Jeong prompt ‘Improvement of the Republic of Korea’ as the primary toast and ‘Gyeonggi Province’ because the chorus. The twenty second Nationwide Meeting will start its four-year time period on the thirtieth.

There are a complete of 60 members of the Nationwide Meeting with constituencies in Gyeonggi-do, together with 53 from the Democratic Occasion of Korea, 6 from the Folks’s Energy Occasion, and 1 from the New Reform Occasion. The assembly was attended by 40 individuals, together with 36 elected members of the Democratic Occasion of Korea, 3 elected members of the Folks’s Energy Occasion, and 1 elected member of the New Reform Occasion.

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