
Kim Song Celebrates Husband Kang Won-rae’s Birthday with Heartfelt Message

Song Kim, Seon Kang, Won-rae Kang. picture| Kim Song SNS

Singer Kim Song celebrated her husband Kang Won-rae’s birthday.

On the 21st, Kim Song posted on SNS, “Happy birthday to Seon’s dad, who said when Seon was born into this world that he wouldn’t regret it even if I died.”

And then, “Why are you dying? “Now that I have a family, I have to work harder to maintain my job as a husband and father,” he said. “There is nothing special to do.” He expressed his deep affection, saying, “I just need you to stay as you are now.”

Kim Song also said, “Whether in love or hate, in happy or difficult times, we always maintained our position as a duty for all of us, so we are not alone, but we are three.” “Our 10th wedding anniversary!” 2013.10.12. The news of test tube success was not a coincidence but a miracle. I love you and thank you.

Take care of your health. “33 years of dating and marriage, it’s not even boring anymore,” she added.

Kim Song-eun posted a video taken by three family members along with the article. The appearance of three happy people attracts attention.

Meanwhile, Kim Song married Kang Won-rae in 2003 and gave birth to a son, Kang Seon, in 2014.

[김소연 스타투데이 기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단 전재, 재배포 및 AI학습 이용 금지]

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