
Rastislav Káčer: Pearls in the competence law | Comments | .a week

the proposal to amend the Competence Act contains several pearls. Among other things, Articles VII and VIII abolish the competence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (and SIS) to veto the export of dual-use goods and military goods. Not only does the responsibility for the licensing process pass from the Ministry of Economy to Defense (that would not be a tragedy in itself), but exclusively Minister Kaliňák becomes the authoritative interpreter of threats to foreign policy, defense or security interests.

Although the state’s security strategy is prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for sanctions regimes and contractual obligations and their interpretation, although the statutory body of NATO is the Council of Foreign Ministers and not of Defense, although we are represented in the Waasenaar grouping by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the end-user certificate is checked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs… etc., but at us, Minister Kaliňák will gain absolute status and can decide as an absolutist monarch. This is neither possible nor normal in any standard democratic state.

In last Sunday’s Rádiožurnál, Minister Kaliňák explained it as follows: “This is in accordance with the Government’s Program Statement, where the Ministry of Defense took the support of the Slovak defense industry under its patronage. The rules are yes, so that international laws are respected, that’s clear, but so that there are no political obstacles, and I will strongly insist that we have the opportunity to export, as we used to.”

I’m really looking forward to this, what the new diplomatic pike of Fico will say about this creativity of the magician Robert Kaliňák. Of course, Robert Kaliňák is Fico’s pike and not Minister Blanár. I am curious, what competences this real pike will gradually take over. In addition to SIS, military intelligence, MFA. The fact that it is completely contrary to the normal administration of the state and the rules of civil-military relations… who cares. Even so, here, in this young state of ours, nobody understands it. Colleagues at MFA – do you accept this???

But as a business model – that could be understood. Autocrat with stamp. Good, says my Hugo, but otherwise he’s on a roll.

PS: and what is Kefalín “so that we can export as we used to”???

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