
Kim Yohan “Ex-girlfriends asked for money…More than a thousand dollars I didn’t receive” (‘Love Master 2’)[TV핫샷] – SPOTVNEWS

▲ Yohan Kim. SourceㅣLove Master 2 broadcast screen capture

[스포티비뉴스=강효진 기자] Kim Yo-han, a former volleyball player and broadcaster, revealed the reason why he couldn’t be in a relationship.

In the SBS Plus entertainment program ‘Love Master 2’, which was broadcast on the 11th, Kim Yo-han said, “I’ve never felt the feeling of getting married. I believe that there is a fateful mate, but I’m getting old, so I think it’s because I’m getting old.” said

He frankly revealed his previous love story, choosing Kyungri and Han Ye-seul, who are beautiful cats as his ideal types.

Kim Yohan said, “I was used financially by the women I met after my first relationship. As a result, I didn’t get my money back. Fortunately, it didn’t go over 100 million, but it passed thousands. He also gave me the car I used to drive.”

He continued, “The only trauma left behind was, ‘Give me the money you lent me’ after we broke up, and he said, ‘Don’t worry. If you sell the luxury items your brother gave you, you’ll get it right away.’ said. The woman even had an affair.

Kim Yo-han said, “There is a base of trust, but there is also a need to be suspicious. Because of this feeling, it seems that it is not easy to go to marriage.”


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