
Knowing When to Replace Your iPhone Battery: Tips and Guidelines

When should I replace my iPhone battery? [사진: 셔터스톡]

[디지털투데이 AI리포터] On the 15th (local time), IT media from 9 to 5 Mac introduced Apple’s method to check battery status and replacement time.

Apple said: “The iPhone battery is designed to maintain up to 80% of its original capacity when fully charged 500 times.” When a user’s iPhone battery drops below 80%, a feature called “Performance Management” is automatically applied, which helps prevent unexpected system shutdowns. If you upgrade your iPhone every year or two, you shouldn’t have any problems with battery degradation unless you use a bad battery.

If you want to check your iPhone’s battery status, open the Settings app and tap Battery. Next, tap Battery Status and select Battery Status and Charging to check the current battery capacity and status.

However, for iPhones that have been used for more than two years, it is inevitable that performance will deteriorate due to chemical aging of the battery as the number of charges increases. If the battery performance has deteriorated significantly, it is best to consider replacing it.

Apple recently set the battery replacement cost for iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 after the warranty period expires at $99 (about 130,000 won). In March last year, the battery replacement cost for all older iPhone models was increased by 20 dollars (about 30,000 won). Accordingly, the price from iPhone 13 to iPhone

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