
Lee Jae-myeong’s 2024 New Year’s Eve Press Conference: Proposing ‘Basic Income at Birth’ and Addressing Current Political Issues

Lee Jae-myeong, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, will hold a 2024 New Year’s Eve press conference at Sarangjae of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul, on the morning of the 31st./Newsis

Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, said at a New Year’s press conference on the 31st that “special measures are needed” to address the low birth rate crisis and that “we propose a ‘basic income at birth’ “. Ahead of the general elections in April, the topic of basic income, a “Lee Jae-myung policy,” was raised again.

Rep. Lee said at a press conference that day, “Special measures are needed.” On the 18th, the Democratic Party announced a low-birthrate plan that costs 28 trillion won a year. Congressman Lee said: “Furthermore, we propose a basic birth income that includes a ‘divided lump sum support method’ based on the principle of universal support at birth.” Congressman Lee said: “The assets and income of the parents do not belong to the child born. “There is no reason why support should vary between parents,” he said. “If necessary, we should create a universal support plan for all educational expenses, including college tuition, even to the point where it might seem excessive.”

Rep. Lee said, “The risk of war should not increase by even one in ten million,” and “The Yoon Seok-yeol government should immediately restore the War Prevention and Peace Hotline.” Rep. Lee said, “Inter-Korean relations have never been easy, but this situation where people are worried about war is clearly not normal.” Addressing North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, he said: “There is nothing to be gained from nuclear threats and armed provocations” and “all hostile acts must cease immediately.” He also said: “As we strengthen the ROK-US alliance and expand cooperation with the West, we must not give up northern diplomacy, which was opened by the ruling party’s Roh Tae-woo administration and expanded by the administration of the Democratic Party.”

Congressman Lee linked the government’s current policy towards North Korea to the general election and said: “If, just in case, they are trying to play a war game by risking people’s lives for political gain like l “The Bukpung incident and the Chongpung incident, it must be stopped immediately. “History will not forgive.” MP Lee has argued several times that the current government can exploit the conflict and clash with North Korea for the general elections .

Lee Jae-myeong, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, will hold a New Year’s press conference at the Sarangjae National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul, on the 31st./Yonhap News

Rep. Lee devoted much of the press conference, which consisted of about 45 pages of manuscript, to criticizing the Yoon Seok-yeol government. Congressman Lee said, “How can anything be done properly if nothing is done properly?” and “People’s livelihoods are on the brink of collapse and the economy is in a severe recession. “This is the stark reality of Yoon Seok-yeol’s two-year administration, which has neglected the issue of earning a living,” he said.

Congressman Lee said: “The politics of coexistence has disappeared and only hostility and war that seek to eliminate and kill the adversary remain.” Regarding President Yoon Seok-yeol, who exercised his veto on the ‘Itaewon Disaster Special Law’, he said: “The heartfelt wishes of the grieving families of Itaewon, who fought desperately during the harsh winter and made appeals for an investigation into the truth, were ultimately ignored.” He added: “A state that fails to even protect the lives of its people is violating the sovereignty of the people.” “It is even impure.”

Congressman Lee then appealed to the Democratic Party to vote, saying: “This general election is the last opportunity to fix the collapsing Republic of Korea.” MP Lee stressed that this is a national crisis and said: “This general election being held in the midst of a crisis is more important than ever.” He said: “We must end the ‘politics of death’ that kills democracy and people, and restore the ‘politics of life’ that saves people and the economy, peace and democracy, hope and the future” .

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