
LG AI Research Institute Joins Global Efforts to Prevent Spread of Manipulated AI Content in Elections

Execution time2024-03-13 19:05

LG Twin Tower in Yeouido, Seoul

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim A-ram = LG AI Research Institute participates in the ‘AI Elections Agreement’, a consultative body established by global technology companies to prevent the spread of deep, manipulated content created with artificial intelligence (AI). .

According to the AI ​​Election Agreement website on the 13th, LG AI Research Institute was listed as the only Korean company among 23 global companies participating in the advisory body.

In addition to researchers, the advisory body includes Adobe, Amazon, Arm, Google, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Meta, OpenAI, Snapchat, TikTok, and X (formerly Twitter).

Participating companies attended the Munich Security Conference (MSC) in Germany on the 16th of last month and announced an agreement to make efforts to avoid the fraudulent use of AI in the electoral process of each country this year.

They decided to cooperate in efforts to prevent the distribution of harmful AI content online and to strengthen awareness of the dangers of such content through related educational campaigns.

Harmful AI content includes audio, video, and photos that have influenced the appearance or voice of election candidates.

The advisory body said, “More than 4 billion people will vote in elections held in over 40 countries around the world this year,” and added, “This agreement is a pledge to use technology to respond to harmful content and created by AI to deceive voters. in elections.”

Report via KakaoTalk okjebo
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2024/03/13 19:05 Sent

#participates #Big #Tech #industrys #Election #Agreement.. #Participates #prevention #election #fraud