
LinkedIn’s Latest Innovation: Turning Job Search into a Gaming Experience

LinkedIn Microsoft’s job search platform takes the success of the New York Times and turns it into a free game for the website. and 3 gaming applications, all based on games that require thinking. It is the latest platform that is trying to bring games to increase users’ daily usage on the system.

Players of each game can post to solicit. Or challenge the friends of the organization, the friends of the university. Or people you know on LinkedIn can compete. It is believed to increase the relationship. and build friendships to the next level on the platform. It’s not just the tracking. Or press to just be friends

Daniel Roth, editor in chief of LinkedIn, said:

“They want meaningful relationships. It’s not just about posting various messages to stay in touch. And games can produce such results. And we’ve seen that there’s a market for short games that focus on using your brain to calculate. How much has he grown today?”

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