
Mastering Right-click on Mac: Six Ways to Navigate your Magic Mouse and Trackpad

Apple’s Magic Mouse and TrackpadIt doesn’t have a physical right-click button. If you’re using a Mac for the first time, you might be confused.

While,There are six ways to right-click on your Mac.there is. Let’s introduce it now.

[L’hack di lavoro di oggi è consigliato a queste persone! ]

  • People who just switched from Windows to Mac
  • People who have only recently started using Mac

Today’s work trick: Recognize your Mac’s right click and get your work done smoothly

1. Two-finger click (trackpad)

This is the easiest way to right-click on a Mac.

Click or tap with two fingers on the trackpad (if tap-to-click is enabled)A right-click context menu will simply appear.

2. Right click (magic mouse)

If you use Magic Mouse, by default you can right-click by clicking on the right side of the mouse.

It’s a little confusing because the mouse looks like a button, butIf you imagine that the right side is an independent button, you should be able to use it without any problems.

If you want to right-click on the left side, go to System Settings > Mouse and select “Left Click” next to “Secondary Click.”

3. Right-click the shortcut keys

If you have difficulty pressing the trackpad with two fingers at the same time,You can hold down the Control key on your Mac keyboard and click with your trackpad or mouse.This is the right-click method that Apple has often used in the past.

4. Click in the corner of the trackpad

as you like,Right-click only zone in one of the bottom corners of the trackpadYou can set it as You can enable it by going to System Settings > Trackpad and selecting the drop-down menu next to Secondary Click.

Select “Click in the bottom right corner” or “Click in the bottom left corner”. You can now right-click on your Mac by clicking on one of the corners of the trackpad.

5. Right-click with three fingers

Many people are familiar with the two-finger scroll gesture on Mac, and this right-click method is an extension of it.

Hold two fingers on the trackpad and click your thumb on the trackpadDo. This gesture is similar to a two-finger click, but depending on the situation you may find it more comfortable to use your thumb.

6. Use the mouse

Another option is to use a regular mouse. There is no need to modify or configure the mouse. In most cases, the right mouse button works like a right click on your Mac.

Read more of today’s articles on work hacks

In the “Today’s Work Hack” series, you can get your job done quickly and efficiently! We provide shortcuts, usage, and ideas for tools, apps, and operating systems.

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