
“Mek Winai Kraibutr” Updates on His Illness: Walking in the Sunlight and Fighting Blisters – Latest News

“Mek-Winai Kraibutr” reveals an update clip on his latest illness. Get up and walk in the sunlight. Previously, I had fainted simply by entering the room.

“Mek Winai” updates on his condition, suffers from blisters, fights with all his might, no need to worry.

‘Winai Kraibutr’ Wife Reveals Her Latest Condition After News Spread That Blisters Had Spread to Her Hands

After the famous former hero “Mek-Winai Kraibutr” I have been fighting blisters for 5 years, seeking every possible cure in the hope of healing and being able to go back to work as usual. But he hasn’t disappeared yet.

Shortly thereafter he was told that he had to settle his karma. He and his wife then went ahead and began following him. After getting to know “Ajarn Paisan Saenchai” through an actor and host who is a close friend, “Noom-Kongkapan Saengsuriya” until the final stage where the famous actor has to go to Ajarn Phaisan and pay homage to 4 other gurus.

On the part of “Ae Orchanyas” the wife of “Mek Winai” revealed it. My husband will finish doing things like this right in Ajarn Phaisan, he will finish here.

Recently, there was a movement of “Winai Kraibutr” through the TIKTOK channel, posting a clip with the caption: “I’ve been exposed to the sun (Whoa). 555″ And in that clip He said that too In the past, I would pass out just by walking into the bathroom. Today I want to challenge myself to get up and walk from the front of the house towards the sun. which was done successfully

After this clip was released, there were fans and TIKTOK users who came to offer encouragement and joy to “Mek Winai” whose illness is starting to improve.

#Latest #Update #Mek #Winai #revealed #entering #bathroom #fainted #Today #sun #PPTVHD36