
Microsoft is developing a more foldable mouse than Arc Mouse? Patent published | HelenTech

Wearables / peripherals

There is a series of compact foldable mice sold by Microsoft called “Arc Mouse”, but it seems that they are working on the development of a foldable mouse with a new design.

According to a recently published patent, the “Arc Mouse” currently on the market is used from a flat state to an arch shape, but this device seems to adopt a completely foldable method.

According to patent information, this new device can be folded in a two-fold way, for example “Samsung Galaxy Z Flip”.

It’s thicker than the current “Arc Mouse”, but it’s likely to be more compact in size, so it’s easier to fit in your bag pocket.

You may have different tastes for a device that folds in half or a device that is flat, but it seems to be a mouse that can be expected for users who value portability.

At this time, we do not know the timing of the release.

Source : Windows Central

