
New Research Reveals Tectonic Activity as Cause of Largest Recorded Earthquake on Mars

Scientists Discover Tectonic Activity as the Cause of Largest Recorded Earthquake on Mars

October 22, 2023

Research conducted by NASA’s Mars probe “InSight” has uncovered groundbreaking evidence pointing to tectonic activity as the cause behind the largest earthquake ever recorded on Mars. On May 4, 2022, an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.7 was detected, marking a significant milestone in our understanding of the seismic activity of our neighboring planet.

Unlike Earth, Mars lacks the geological process of plate tectonics which typically triggers earthquakes. Initially, scientists suspected that the earthquake was a result of a meteorite impact. However, further investigation debunked this theory, as no impact crater was found. This led experts to conclude that the quake was instead caused by tectonic activity within the planet itself.

The absence of plate tectonics on Mars has long puzzled scientists, making this discovery a breakthrough in unravelling the planet’s geological processes. “This finding brings us one step closer to understanding the seismic activity on Mars and shedding light on the tectonic processes that govern its crust,” remarked Konstantin North, co-chair of InSight’s Geology Working Group and planetary scientist at Imperial College London.

The significance of this research cannot be understated. As Constantinos Charalambous, co-author of the study and planetary scientist at Imperial College London, stated, “We are now making substantial progress in comprehending the seismic activity of Mars, which will pave the way for a more comprehensive understanding of the planet itself.”

Further Insights

Alongside this groundbreaking revelation, the study also provided valuable insights into the unique characteristics of Martian earthquakes. Despite the magnitude of 4.7 being moderate by Earth standards, it is considered intense for Mars.

As scientists dive deeper into the complexities of Mars, this discovery opens up new avenues for exploration and adds to our knowledge of the red planet’s geological dynamics. By understanding seismic activity on Mars, we gain a heightened understanding of the mysterious forces that shape our celestial neighbors.


  • Moderate: (adjective) Not significant in size or intensity. Example: Their house is quite modest and comfortable.
  • Tadod: (verb) To uncover or explain. Example: This research will help them solve the mystery of Ancient Rome.

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2023/10/22 05:30

Research shows that the largest earthquakes measured on Mars should be caused by crustal movement. (Reuters)

◎Lin Jiayu

On May 4, 2022, NASA’s InSight lander detected the largest earthquake yet recorded on Mars, one with a magnitude of 4.7 – fairly moderate by Earth standards but strong for our planetary neighbor.

NASA’s Mars probe “InSight” detected a magnitude 4.7 earthquake on May 4, 2022, the largest recorded earthquake on Mars. This size is considered moderate for Earth, but it is intense for our planetary neighbors.

Given that Mars does not have the geological process called plate tectonics that produces earthquakes on our planet, scientists suspected that a meteorite impact caused this earthquake.

Since Mars lacks plate tectonics, the geological process that produces earthquakes on our planet, scientists suspect that this Martian earthquake was caused by a meteorite impact.

But the search for an impact crater came up empty, leading scientists to conclude that this earthquake was caused by tectonic activity – a rumbling within the planet – and giving them a deeper understanding of what makes Mars shake, shake and roll.

But studies of the crater have found nothing. This result led scientists to another conclusion, that is, the earthquake was caused by the activity of a tectonic plate, erupting from the interior of Mars. It also gives scientists a deeper understanding of why Mars shakes, shakes and rolls.

“This is a significant step forward in our understanding of the seismic activity of Mars and takes us a step closer to better resolving the planet’s tectonic processes,” added Imperial College London planetary scientist and co-author of the study, Constantinos Charalambous, co-chair of InSight’s Geology Working. Group.

Konstantin North, planetary scientist at Imperial College London and study co-author and co-chair of the InSight geology team. “This is a significant step forward in understanding seismic activity on Mars, bringing us one step closer to unraveling the tectonic processes of the Martian crust,” said Charalambos.

news dictionary

moderate: adjective, moderate, not big (expensive, heavy). Example: Their house is quite modest and comfortable.

tadod: verb, to uncover, to explain. Example: This research will help them solve the mystery of Ancient Rome.

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