
OPEN-TEC Decoding “Digital Transformation”, the starting point is not the end.

Experts from different fields use the OPEN-TEC open speaking forum to announce Digital Transformation. is a journey not a destination Emphasize that it is important to help businesses survive these changes.

Ms Woranuch Dechakaisaya, Executive Chairman, Kasikorn Business Technology Group (KBTG), one of the informants from the open talk episode EP.31 Be Tech Leader and Build Ones, said that there are many generations in large organizations that work with each other, each person with a different skill or ability. It’s just that the organization has to think and prepare to deal with the time moving forward. and platforms that change over time

“So how do we have to reskill or adapt the skills of these people? in order to keep up with new technologies It is important to have confidence and a positive attitude. To be able to motivate him to feel like working and to bring out his potential. so that he can become the Next Successor and eventually become the Next Leader.”

Woranuch’s statement is in line with today’s technology that plays an important role in people’s lives, including concepts, society, and everyday life. including how it works And with the rapid changes and rapid development of technology Consequently, many organizations have to find ways to adapt accordingly. Be it upskilling, reskilling, and using technology to expand further. To elevate the organization to keep up with the Digital Disruption

When it became clear that Digital Transformation is therefore important Therefore OPEN-TEC, the Technical Information Sharing Platform under the supervision of TCC TECHNOLOGY GROUP, has raised its perspective on Digital Transformation. by honorable experts in various fields to share their experiences in the open conversation program to share on the definition of the word Digital Transformation (DX) is a combination of technology and business together. It causes changes from the foundation of the organization to the delivery process to the customer. Increase efficiency and expand the business to grow rapidly in this period of change.

“Even now Digital Transformation It is something that many organizations and businesses are trying to achieve, but it is still there,” explains OPEN-TEC. Success is not just about putting digital technology to use. But there is also sustainability which is formed from three important dimensions, namely the corporate culture dimension. the organizational business process dimension and the information and technology dimensions that come together at work”

In conclusion, digital transformation It is wise to start considering the current business culture before undertaking a Digital Transformation. by traditional culture it can make it work But there is a lack of the spirit of innovation that will make Digital Transformation successful Therefore, the more understanding about upcoming changes is created for employees to know and cope with them. The more willing they are.

Dr Kampon Sornthanarat, Digital Transformation Consultant, SEC Personal Data Protection Officer and President of the DPO Club said from the open conversation EP.28 episode Digital Transformation is a Journey, not a destination, he said Make a Digital Transformation you must have a clear goal but to reach that goal indicators must be installed

“For that indicator to be successful We need to know what to do and how to do it. Therefore, it is not just a project of using technology in the organization. But the entire turbocharged engine has to be modified. “

In general, the principles of digital transformation are In order to achieve the goal of success, the leadership team or the management team must strategize in accordance with the organization. It answers questions about what an initiative is and why it needs to be done. What is the scope of Digital Transformation? Why is the organization joining the process? What is the required result? How is it useful? What are the risks of not doing the project? When the strategy fits the whole organization It is time to spread those messages to everyone in the organization.

Associate Professor Dr. Thanachat Numnonda, Founder and Director of IMC from the open chat episode EP.33 Driving Data Culture, that today is the era of Digital Disruption, many organizations see Digital Transformation as a way to survive. it is important to have data and in every organization there is a lot of data. but never make good use of it

“Because we are not creating a data culture in the organization, data culture is important. We need to train people in the organization to use data to make decisions,” said Dr Thanachart. “One of the drivers driving an organization’s digital transformation is the ability to manage and access the information they need. Including using data to become a data-driven organization (Data Driven Organization), in order to increase work efficiency and help keep up with the world, having a Data Culture in the organization is important.

So, the Digital Transformation So it’s a journey. not a destination Organizations don’t need to do everything at once. But can start doing it individually according to the needs of the business.

“And although Digital Transformation will be a challenging but necessary journey. But if we have a clear goal and know what technology can help the process to produce the results of Creating Value from Digital Transformation It will be easier to do,” concluded OPEN-TEC.