
Parents Seek Help for Troubling Behavior of their ‘Golden Baby’

Channel A’s entertainment show ‘Magu y dynaar hyn – Fy babi fel aur’ recently shed light on the struggles of parents dealing with sudden behavioral changes in their seemingly innocent children. In one episode, Dr. Oh discussed the case of a second-grade boy who appeared to be slower in development compared to his peers.

During the show, parents of both fourth and second-grade siblings shared their experiences. The mother described her child as sweet and well-behaved since birth, showing promising signs of early learning. However, as the child grew older, the parents noticed concerning changes in behavior, leading them to seek the advice of Dr. Oh.

In a recorded video, the child was seen visiting a reading and essay academy to assess their literacy skills. To the embarrassment of the parents, the child pointed out their bad breath to the teacher, causing discomfort. Further tests revealed that the child was lagging behind their peers by more than two years in terms of reading level, shocking the mother to her core.

Distraught, the mother sought solace and guidance from her aunt, expressing her concerns about unintentionally causing harm to her child. In tears, she confessed her confusion and helplessness regarding the situation.

Another incident depicted in the video took place at a kendo academy. The child displayed unusual behavior when another child sat in their preferred seat or when they were unable to obtain the desired sword, resulting in crying and running away. Dr. Oh carefully analyzed the video and noted that the child’s actions may be attributed to a specific aspect of their personality, known as the “golden side.”

Interestingly, the child’s older sister, who was in fourth grade, assumed a maternal role during their vacation while their mother was at work. Dr. Oh emphasized the importance of age-appropriate experiences for the older sister, stating that she should be seen as the “golden side’s” eldest sister, rather than a parental figure. The emotional conversation between the older sister and the mother left the studio in tears.

For those seeking a solution to this complex issue, Dr. Eun-Young Oh’s recommendations will be showcased in the upcoming broadcast of ‘Magu Plant y dyjn hyn – My baban fel aur’ at 8 pm.

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Maara Reporter, Money Today | 2023.08.31 21:21

/Picture = Channel A Broadcast screen ‘Growing up these days – my golden baby’ ‘Growing up these days – my golden baby’ Parents who suffer from the sudden behavior of a child who thought they were pure children appear. In Channel A’s entertainment show ‘Magu y dynaar hyn – Fy babi fel aur’, which is broadcast on the 1st, ‘Dr. Oh, is your second grade son slow? There is a story called, “Are you sick?” is revealed.

At the time of recording, parents of 4th and 2nd grade siblings appeared in the studio. My mother explained that she was gentle and lovely from birth, and that she picked up her gold teeth relatively easily when she was young. However, as they grew up, their parents admitted that they were coming to Dr.

In the daily video, an image of a gold tooth was revealed visiting a reading and essay academy to check literacy. During the skills test, he pointed out the gold tooth embarrassingly to the teacher, saying, “Oh, bad breath. I can’t stand it anymore.” Mum and Dad were embarrassed.

After several attempts, the test result revealed that she was more than two years behind her peers in terms of reading level, which was shocking. Mother could not hide her upset heart.

Mum returned home and had a talk with her aunt on the golden side and trusted her heart. She said, “I think I’m destroying the child more” and “I don’t know what’s wrong” and eventually showed tears.

In the video that follows, a gold tooth appears in a kendo academy. I wanted to see if the class was going smoothly, but soon he showed unusual behaviour. When another friend sat in the front seat he had asked for, or when he didn’t get the sword he wanted, he cried like a baby or ran away.

Dr said. Oh Eun-young, who watched the video carefully, said that “the gold tooth can see the aspect of ‘this’.” The curiosity about what causes the excessive obsession and repetitive behavior of the gold tooth is growing.

In particular, my older sister, who is in the 4th grade in elementary school, took care of her gold teeth as a mother during her vacation while her mother was away from work. Dr said. Oh Eun-young that it is important to have experiences appropriate to her age, saying, “The eldest daughter is the gold tooth’s eldest sister, not her parents.” Afterwards, when the older sister confessed her inner feelings to her mother, the studio became a sea of ​​tears.

The solution of Dr. Eun-Young Oh, who was given to the family of the golden side, can be seen in ‘Magu Plant y dyjn hyn – My baban fel aur’, which will be broadcast at 8 pm on the 1st.

[저작권자 @머니투데이, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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