
“Pex, Zeal”, updates post op symptoms, hasn’t spoken for 4 days, hasn’t posted yet.

The march sends encouragement to get well soon. “Pex, Zeal band” opens a post to update the symptoms after polyps surgery in the vocal cords. The last 4 days have not been red. Ready to beg, don’t talk to me!

undergo surgery on February 27, the past for the young singer “Pex Prach Pongchai” or “Pex of Zeal” After a polyp was found in the larynx or polyps in the vocal cords After the operation, the doctor ordered the young Pex to refrain from using his voice for a month and the agency announced that the young singer’s work would be canceled in March.

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and the latest (3 March 2023) “Pex Zeal” He came out to post an update on symptoms after 4 days of surgery, the young singer revealed via Instagram with an update that… “It’s been 4 days since I stopped using my voice. Now there is no sore throat, no muscle pain like the day before, eat, take medicine, rest according to the principles of hygiene. I have not blushed. Recently, when you meet someone, do not invite me to speak. It’s accidental.

who after the young Pex updated the post mentioned above On the other hand, entertainers and fans came together to make comments, send encouragement and wish a speedy recovery to young Pex. tightly together