
Philadelphia non-profit organization donates clothing to Afghan refugees | Donate clothing | Epoch Times

[The Epoch Times September 3, 2021](The Epoch Times Philadelphia) As more Afghan refugees arrive in Philadelphia, a local organization hopes you can help them.

The Wardrobe, a non-profit organization with offices in Philadelphia and Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, is accepting donations of clothing for refugees. The organization cooperates with the Nationalities Service Center, another local non-profit organization that helps Afghan refugees resettle in the United States.

The volunteers took into account the cultural background of the Afghan refugees when collecting the donated clothing, including moderate clothing for men and women. Sheri Cole, executive director of The Wardrobe, said: “We need plain clothes that cover as much as possible from shoulder to toe. Men and women wear loose trousers under their clothes. Women may wear knee-length waists. The coat, but there are still loose trousers underneath.”

Other suggested donations include men’s and women’s scarves, long shirts, pants, tunics, conservative dresses, toiletries, and new underwear and socks. Cole added that as long as they are conservative, some refugees are willing to wear Western-style clothing. For donations, please call 215-568-6693.

Editor in charge: Wang Wei
