
[Pokemon GO]Attack power that surpasses Mewtwo !? Esper Absolutely Defeat Man!

Available at the “Hoopa Liberation Event” to be held at “Pokémon GO” from 10:00 on November 26th to 20:00 on November 29th.When is the sauce HoopaIntroducing the usage and points of interest.

How strong is the Hoopa?

The Hoopa Liberation Event will be held from 10:00 on November 26th to 20:00 on November 29th.

In this event, the true appearance of the already implemented Hoopa is released.

However, there are many trainers who are wondering, “How strong is Hoopa now? Is it worth training?”

Therefore, in this article, I will introduce the usage and points of interest of Hoopa.

What is the basic performance of Hoopa?
