
Prime Minister took over the government in difficult times, there were dangers everywhere

Islamabad: Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif says that he took over the government in a difficult time, there were dangers everywhere.

Addressing the parliamentarians, the Prime Minister said that the journey of the coalition government began on 11 April 2022, the allies gave a vote of confidence with love, the matter with the IMF went far, we expected it.

The Prime Minister said that the effects of the poison that was dissolved by the blasphemy had, are and will remain for a long time. Our colleagues did not lose heart and we walked, the condition of the poor disappeared from the storm of inflation.

The political chaos created with the conspiratorial mind is well known. Development and prosperity cannot be imagined until there is political stability in a country.

It takes years to build a building, it takes a minute to break the ground, Chairman PTI and Tole created political chaos with a conspiratorial mind.

The Prime Minister further said that despite all the criticism, the state was saved in 15 months.
