
Return of the “front” of Dr Daouda Diallo, the SG of the CISC (Photo) – Togotimes

The secretary general of the Collective against impunity and stigmatization of communities (CISC) has left the front. he went back home. This, after three months spent with the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) in the fight against terrorists.

According to several local media, trade unionist Dr Daouda Diallo who was arrested in early December 2023 at the passport service in Ouagadougou by men in plain clothes has returned home. “He is at home now,” Omega informs us, citing a source close to the main person concerned.

At the beginning of November 2023, Dr Daouda Diallo was on a list of at least seven people from union leaders, civil society organizations and journalists to be requisitioned for the front.

He had expressed his firm opposition to this requisition and had attacked the decree establishing it in particular, the warning and the general mobilization. For him, this decree has become a punitive and criminal measure against sincere citizens who provide constructive criticism for the better progress of the Nation. The human rights activist had invited the Burkinabè to “mobilize to block the road to autocracy and dictatorship on the move”.

The executive office of the CISC, in a press release, condemned what it describes as an arbitrary kidnapping of its Secretary General.


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