
ROG x AMD portable game console ROG ALLY is no April Fool’s joke

Last Saturday was April Fool’s Day, and many manufacturers and companies like to release some interesting fake news. The e-sports brand Asus ROG released a video on the same day, announcing the launch of its first portable game console ROG ALLY. Many netizens thought that Asus was making an April Fool’s Day joke, and they did not pay much attention to the news.

Until Sunday (April 2) Asus released a new image to promote the ROG ALLY portable game console. According to the current data released by Asus, the ROG ALLY mobile game console is jointly produced by ROG and AMD, it runs Windows, it has a custom AMD processor, it uses dual fans on for cooling, and it supports the ROG XG Mobile Graphics Amplifier.

▲ Modified AMD processor

The official promotional video shows that ROG ALLY’s shell is mostly white, with four rows of cooling holes on the front.

▲ There appears to be RGB lighting under the Joystick

ROG has left a BestBuy purchase link on its official YouTube channel. Although it is not yet for sale, you can leave an email and BestBuy will notify you when it is for sale.

The ROG XG Mobile Graphics Amplifier is a new generation product that ROG launched at the end of March this year. XG Mobile Graphics Amplifier built-in NVIDIA RTX 4090 Mobile, with HDMI, DP, USB-C and wired network interface, suitable for Asus ROG laptops.

▲ ROG XG Mobile Graphics Amplifier

Source: YouTube

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