
Samsung Electronics Taylor Campus: A Panoramic View of Innovation in America’s Semiconductor Industry

A panoramic view of ‘Samsung Electronics Taylor Campus’ in Taylor City on the 14th (local time). A banner reading ‘Made in America’ is hung on the office building visible beyond the corn, and behind the building, an innovative semiconductor production line is being built, the it is planned to start operating in 2026./Taylor = Aurora Reporter

‘Made in America.’

Taylor City, Texas, USA, on the 14th (local time), a day before the US government event announcing subsidies for Samsung Electronics. A huge banner with this phrase was hung in front of the ‘Samsung Electronics Taylor Campus’ office building, where Samsung Electronics’ cutting-edge 4 nanometer (1 nanometer is 1 billionth of a meter) semiconductor production line is located. . On a very large campus site equivalent to the size of 682 football fields (1,200 acres), large concrete buildings were being erected between dozens of tower cranes. Near the site, there was a cluster of temporary trailer offices packed with partner companies such as LS Electric, semiconductor chemical supply equipment manufacturer Hanyang ENG, and semiconductor production equipment manufacturer FST.

This is Factory 1, which will produce cutting-edge semiconductors for artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G (network production) using the 4-nano process starting in 2026. A second factory will be for ultra-fine 2-nano processing and a state-of-the-art semiconductor backplane process (packaging) facility are soon to be built on the farmland next door, now full of corn.

A panoramic view of the Samsung Electronics Taylor Campus./Aurora Reporter

◇ Taylor City has ‘changed the world’ with investment in semiconductors

‘Samsung Expressway’ sign in Taylor, Texas, USA on the 14th (local time) / Aurora Reporter

Taylor City, a rural city with a population of 17,000, could not hide its excitement at the unprecedented investment announcement. The local media called Taylor Press the “Golden Age of Taylor City” and said, “Unlike the past when it was difficult to budget, the future of the city has completely changed with the joining of Samsung.” On this day, in front of the Samsung Electronics campus, a sign could be seen for the ‘Samsung Highway’, which local authorities named in 2022 to commemorate Samsung’s investment. This road, newly created after plowing a corn field, is an important bridge that connects Taylor City with neighboring cities. Kang Chun-ja, president of the Taylor City Korean Senior Citizens Association, said, “Before Samsung Semiconductor came in, it was not easy to access Taylor City because there was only Route 130, which is a toll road, now, roads are built everywhere, and new townhouses and shopping centers are being built in rows. He said, “The whole region is in a state of chaos.”

A townhouse village is being built 3 minutes drive from the Samsung Electronics campus in Taylor, Texas, USA on the 14th (local time).

On this day, the construction of a large townhouse called ‘Castlewood’ was in full swing in an empty lot located 3 minutes drive from the Samsung Taylor Campus. This place, located across the road from Taylor High School, was built to meet the housing needs of Samsung Electronics employees. The townhouse building boom also continues in Hutto, a 20-minute drive from Taylor. A large-scale single-family home complex measuring 37,500 pyeong has been under construction here since September last year, targeting Samsung Electronics workers.

The office rental market is also reviving as Samsung’s partner companies open offices nearby. Office equipment maintenance company iMarket and gas piping supplier MSS International opened offices in Round Rock near Taylor City last December.

A panoramic view of the Samsung Electronics Taylor Campus./Aurora Reporter

◇ Closed theaters reopen… Korean markets are also crowded

The second branch of the Korean supermarket ‘H Mart’ is being built in Taylor, Texas, USA on the 14th (local time). /Aurora Reporter

The ‘Howard Theatre’, which is the only theater in downtown Taylor City but was closed due to low numbers of users, is also raising money to reopen to take into account the increase in population due to investment by Samsung Electronics. The United States Austin, a local media outlet, said, “As the number of stable, high-income earners such as Samsung Electronics employees increases, real estate markets in nearby small cities are gaining unprecedented momentum.”

Koreans in the Austin area, where Samsung Electronics has already become a household name, also seemed excited. Austin’s Korean population was about 12,000, but most of them were students attending the University of Texas, so the Korean community was small. However, with the arrival of Samsung Electronics, the atmosphere is changing rapidly. In fact, on this day, the words ‘Coming Sun’ were written in front of ‘H Mart’, the representative Korean supermarket in downtown Austin. After the first H Mart opened in Austin three years ago when Samsung was founded, demand increased and a second store was opened.

In addition, various Korean restaurants, Korean rental cars for Samsung Electronics business travelers, and Korean homestay businesses are also increasing rapidly. An official from the local Korean Association said, “The number of Koreans migrating from different regions from California to Dallas to open Korean restaurants has increased significantly,” and “There are constant inquiries about opening Korean restaurants in new shopping malls were built.”

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