
Senator Surasit’s Condition for Voting: No Progressive Party Allowed

Senator Surasit Contemplates Voting for 3rd Prime Minister of Thai Pheu Party

In a recent interview, Senator Surasit Treethong expressed his readiness to raise his hand and cast his vote for the 3rd prime ministerial candidate of the Thai Pheu Party. However, he made it clear that he would not support any progressive party’s nominee. Senator “Gen. Chawengsak” voiced his own reservations about the matter, stating that he personally could not accept a candidate from a party that intends to amend Section 112 without consulting others.

During the interview, Surasit Treethong, a member of the Senedd, explained that his decision to vote for the Thai Pheu Party’s prime ministerial candidate is based on his recognition of their past policies and attitudes. However, he firmly stated that if the Thai Pheu Party were to form a coalition with the Kao Klai Party, he would withhold his support. This is due to the Kao Klai Party’s stance on Section 112 as well as its problematic relationship with the establishment. Senator Surasit emphasized the importance of voting for a political party that will effectively govern the country, urging careful consideration when alliances are formed without a clear party platform.

General Chawengsak Thongsaluai, in a separate interview, echoed the sentiment of many political parties by expressing his inability to accept any amendments to Section 112 of the Criminal Law. As a soldier who has dealt with this issue from an early age, he firmly opposes any changes to this law. He also questioned the timing of the Progressive Party’s proposed withdrawal of Section 112, as it was previously suggested by an elder in the country but not acted upon after the election. General Chawengsak expressed concerns about potential consequences if the issue is now revisited.

When asked about his position regarding a prime ministerial candidate from the Thai Pheu Party, General Chawengsak emphasized that his stance on Section 112 remains unchanged. He stated that he is inclined to vote for the candidate, as long as they uphold the principles of Section 112. However, whether the vote will ultimately take place on July 27 or not remains uncertain. It will depend on whether the candidate maintains their position on Section 112 and refrains from withdrawing their support for it.


24 July 2023 5:21 pm

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Senator Surasit is ready to raise his hand to vote for the 3rd prime minister of Thai Pheu Party. If there is no progressive party Senator “Gen. Chawengsak” said that he could not accept it personally. If any political party There is still a policy to amend Section 112, without asking anyone to show their hands.

Surasit Treethong, a member of the Senedd gave an interview about voting for the Pheu Thai Party Prime Minister candidate on July 27, saying that Pheu Thai Party’s vote for Prime Minister was not unacceptable because he recognized the policies and attitudes of Pheu Thai executives in the past But if Pheu Thai still joins Kao Klai Party He was not able to vote. Because the Kao Klai Party has a policy to solve Section 112 and the attitude of the Kao Klai Party has problems with the establishment, on behalf of the Senator, you must look carefully at voting for the political party that will run the country when asked if the Thai Pheu Party joins other parties. Without a party to move far? Said Mr. Surasit that he is ready to vote for the prime ministerial candidate. of Thai Pheu Party Because there are other political parties It is clear that Section 112 will not be touched and all organizations from all parties will be respected. What really has a problem is that the Progressive Party does not reverse, it does not stop, if there is a long step, it does not vote.

General Chawengsak Thongsaluai gave an interview about the vote to the prime minister on July 27 that he was of the same opinion as many political parties that came out to express their opinion. He cannot accept the amendment of Section 112 of the Criminal Law, and he is a soldier This has been dealt with since childhood. so it cannot accept And if the Progressive Party were to withdraw the 112 story now, I thought it would be too late because in the past an elder in the country came out to suggest that this issue should be withdrawn because after the election they did not withdraw it. If I were to do it now, would there be any ramifications for it?

When asked if the Prime Minister’s nomination was a candidate from the Thai Pheu Party No far-reaching party Gen replied. Chawengsak that he did not belong to Section 112, and that he was ready to vote for him. He was asked to stick to the 112 story as a basis, In the past, he had never hid. always talking about this As for the Prime Minister’s vote on 27th July, will it be completed or not? It remains to be seen whether he is still far ahead or not. If he’s still in the 112th degree, he’s still there, and he hasn’t withdrawn, he probably won’t be able to.

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