
“Seoul doesn’t have a deal”… Fear of unsold homes growing even after deregulation and discounts


As housing prices enter a period of decline, construction companies are also selling various discounts to push out tears. However, as buying sentiment has rapidly declined, non-contractual disagreements are popping up one after another in Seoul, and a large number of ex-sales are scheduled for next year, raising fears for unsold sales. This is reporter Park Soo-yeon.

Apartment construction site near Cheonwang Station in Oryu-dong, Guro-gu, Seoul.

It went on sale in August this year, but 129 of the 140 households that were generally for sale failed to sign the contract, and more than 100 households failed the subsequent unranked subscription.

As non-contracts continued to emerge, the developer even introduced an unconventional condition of giving the contractor 30 million won in cash for the interim payment of an interest-free loan as a desperate measure.

An apartment in Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, sold earlier this year, is being sold at a 15% discount from the initial sale price. We have maintained up to 9 unlisted subscriptions, but there are still uncontracted amounts remaining.

Major builder brands are no exception.

GS E&C recently decided to change the interest payment method from deferred payment to interest-free when selling apartments in Sinsa-dong, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, and provide free paid option home appliances.

From the perspective of construction companies, it is difficult to blindly lower the pre-sale price as the price of raw materials and interest rates have risen and liquidity has been strained.

For this reason, various benefits are offered, from luxury luggage and foreign car events to interim payments and interest-free loans, but it is not easy to solve unsold sales.

[기자 스탠드:
올해 9월 기준 수도권 미분양은 7813가구. 지난해와 비교하면 56% 급증했습니다. 고금리 기조에 집값 고점 인식이 겹치며 분양 시장도 얼어붙고 있습니다.]

[임병철 / 부동산R114 리서치팀장:
청약 관련 규제가 일부 완화됐지만 고금리 여파와 경기 둔화 등의 영향으로 매수 심리가 회복되지 못하고 있어 아파트 분양 시장도 상당 기간 위축될 가능성이 높습니다.]

Unlike last year and the year before last, when there were many subscriptions, the sales market is cooling down.

Experts advise that end users should carefully consider the location, nearby market price, and pre-sale price before applying for a property, rather than being swept away by various benefits.

Park Soo-yeon, Reporter of MTN Broadcasting Money Today