
Seoul Spring: A Box Office Sensation

Film ‘Seoul Spring’ Dominates Box Office for Third Consecutive Weekend

Directed by Kim Seong-soo, the film ‘Seoul Spring’ continues to draw in audiences, maintaining the top spot at the box office for its third weekend in theaters. According to the integrated movie theater ticket network, the film has motivated over 1.5 million people, accounting for 75.8% of sales over the three days from the 8th to the 10th.

With 7 million cumulative viewers as of its 20th day since release, ‘Seoul Spring’ is on track to become a ’10 million film.’ The booking rate stands at 43.3%, with approximately 102,000 people holding tickets, making it the highest among all films screened and scheduled for screening.

Upcoming Releases

  • Director Kim Han-min’s ‘Noryang: Sea of ​​Death’ is set to follow ‘Spring in Seoul’ in theaters on the 20th, but ‘Seoul Spring’ is expected to continue its dominance at the box office until then.
  • Director Yook Sang-hyo’s new film ‘3 Days Vacation’ secured second place at the box office, attracting 142,000 people over three days last weekend. The film tells the story of Bokja (Kim Hae-sook), who comes down to earth the third year after her death and sees her daughter Jinju (Shin Min-ah).

Other Performances

Director Ridley Scott’s new film ‘Napoleon’ came in third place, attracting around 78,000 people, while the romantic film ‘Single in Seoul’ starring Lee Dong-wook and Lim Soo-jung fell to 4th place. ‘The Monster’ by director Hirokazu Koreeda secured fifth place, marking the largest audience ever for a Japanese film directed by Koreeda at 204,000 viewers.

(Photo = Yonhap News)

The film ‘Seoul Spring’, which deals with the December 12 military uprising, swept theaters even in its third weekend of release.

According to the integrated movie theater ticket network, this film, directed by Kim Seong-soo, has maintained the first place at the box office by motivating over 1.5 million people (75.8% sales share) over the three days from the 8th to the 10th.

As of today (11th), the 20th day since its release, this work has surpassed 7 million cumulative viewers and is aiming to become the ’10 million film.’

The booking rate is 43.3% (about 102,000 people holding tickets), which is the highest among all films screened and scheduled for screening.

Director Kim Han-min’s ‘Noryang: Sea of ​​Death’ (20.5%, 48,000 viewers), which will be released in theaters on the 20th, follows ‘Spring in Seoul’.

‘Seoul Spring’ is expected to continue its dominance at the box office at least until it faces ‘Noryang’.

Director Yook Sang-hyo’s new film ‘3 Days Vacation’ came second at the box office, attracting 142,000 people (7.0%) over three days last weekend.

This film tells the story of Bokja (Kim Hae-sook), who comes down to earth the third year after her death and sees her daughter Jinju (Shin Min-ah).

In third place was director Ridley Scott’s new film ‘Napoleon’, which depicts the life story of Napoleon, and which prompted around 78,000 people (4.1%).

The romantic film ‘Single in Seoul’ starring Lee Dong-wook and Lim Soo-jung fell to 4th place, pushed out by new films.

About 47,000 people (2.4%) were added, bringing the cumulative audience to about 330,000.

Fifth place is ‘The Monster’ by director Hirokazu Koreeda.

It attracted around 39,000 people (2.1%), bringing the total number of viewers to 204,000, which is the largest audience ever for a Japanese film directed by Director Koreeda.

(Photo = Yonhap News)

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