
Seoul’s ‘Big 5’ Hospital Responds to Mass Exodus, Reducing Surgeries by 30-50%: Government Discusses Medical Reforms and Pediatric Care

On the 23rd, a large hospital in Seoul, known as the “Big 5”, responds to the mass exodus of residents by reducing surgeries by at least 30% to 50%. /Reporter Park Sang-hoon

Park Min-soo, Second Vice Minister of Health and Welfare, said in a briefing at the ‘Doctors’ Collective Action Incident Control Headquarters’ on the 29th: “This morning, the Minister of Health and Welfare has held a meeting with the heads of the eight private teaching hospitals” and “In the afternoon the Prime Minister held a meeting with the directors of the five major hospitals in Seoul.” “I will chair the meeting,” he said.

He continued: “I very much regret this situation in which the resignations of professors continue and the departure of graduates is prolonged,” and “I hope that you will put an end to collective action and sit at the table for dialogue without conditions or formalities.” In particular, you stated: “The impact of the collective resignation of professors on patients is not comparable to that of the resignation of medical residents.”

That day, the government also reaffirmed its position that the policy of “increasing the number of medical school students by 2,000” is not up for debate. Deputy Minister Park said: “Medical reform is not an issue limited to doctors, but all citizens are directly affected, and the success or failure of medical reform is directly related to the lives of 50 million people.” ” he said.

At the same time, he said, “we will not repeat the unfortunate history of giving in to a specific position” and “we will not overturn political decisions based on scientific estimates and after having collected opinions more than 130 times without reasonable reasons.” He also stated: “We will stop the bad practice of neutralizing government policies in a way that threatens the lives and health of people with certain positions and establish the rule of law.”

Meanwhile, the government discussed the “Measure to Strengthen Compensation for Essential Pediatric Medical Care” at the Central Investigation Agency meeting today. First of all, it was decided to increase the age limit for children. Starting in May, age additions for surgery, treatment and anesthesia rates will be expanded for 281 procedures designated as high-risk and difficult surgeries. The age addition, applied separately only to infants weighing less than 1,500 g and to children under 1 year of age, will be extended to include children under 6 years of age and the addition level will also be increased from a maximum of 300% to 1000%.

Subsequently it was decided to establish a new regional tariff. Starting in May, when newborns are cared for by dedicated specialists in “regional neonatal intensive care centers” outside Seoul, the rate is 50,000 won per day per inpatient for the Gyeonggi-Incheon regional centers and 100,000 won per day per inpatient for the other regional centers. Public policy Support price.

At this meeting, the government also discussed the operational plans for the Clinical Education and Training Center of the National University Hospital. The Clinical Education and Training Center of Chungnam National University Hospital will open in the second half of this year, and starting from 2025, Kangwon National University Hospital and Gyeongsang National University Hospital, which do not have a clinical education and training center, will begin to build clinical education and training centers. The government plans to build 10 clinical education and training centers in all national teaching hospitals.

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