
Sho Nakata Contemplates Free Agency Amidst Family Support and Ambitions to Fulfill Baseball Career

“Considering My Options: Giants Shortstop Sho Nakata Weighs Overseas Free Agency”

In a recent interview, Giants shortstop Sho Nakata opened up about his overseas free agency rights, stating that he wants to carefully consider his options. “You only play baseball once,” he expressed. “I don’t have another 10 years, so I have a strong desire to fully fulfill my baseball career.”

Nakata, who signed a three-year contract last off-season, also mentioned that his decision-making process is not solely based on personal factors. “Of course, this is because I have a family. I’m not alone. Naturally, I want to consult with my family before making any choices,” he explained.

Reflecting on the team’s dynamics, Nakata acknowledged the emergence of young players like Akihiro and shared his competitive mindset. “I have no intention of losing again. We are teammates, but I also see us as rivals. When that feeling disappears, I believe it might be time to give up baseball,” he firmly stated.

As the team commenced its fall practice, Nakata revealed his unwavering passion for the game. “I still have a strong desire to play in games and a strong determination not to lose. This is what fuels my contemplation about various aspects of my career. I want to push myself to the maximum while my body still allows it,” he eagerly expressed.

As Nakata ponders his future, baseball fans eagerly anticipate his decision and the potential impact it may have on the team.

Article written by Masaya Kotani

“I’m not alone. I’d like to think about it while also consulting with my family.”

On the 14th, Giants shortstop Sho Nakata said of his free agency rights overseas, “I want to think about it carefully. You only play baseball once. I don’t have another 10 years, so I have a strong desire to fully fulfill my baseball career.”” he said.

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He signed a three-year contract last off-season, but has the right to opt out of the deal every off-season. “Of course, this is because I have a family. I’m not alone. Of course, I want to think about it in consultation with my family.”

Young players like Akihiro are emerging on the team. “I have no intention of losing again. We are teammates, but I think of us as rivals. When that feeling disappears, I think it’s time to give up baseball,” he said firmly.

The team began fall practice on this day. “I still have a strong desire to play in games, and I have a strong desire not to lose. I think that’s why I started thinking about a lot of things. I have a strong desire to play baseball to the maximum while my body is still moving.”. He eagerly looks for opportunities to get involved.

(Masaya Kotani)

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