
Staying Warm and Healthy in the Rainy Season: Understanding the Link Between Rain and Colds

In conclusion, why does “rain” make people “cold”? There are 3 reasons:

  • virus by air
  • Germs that attach to the body and clothes
  • body temperature decreases

What causes the “flu”?

The flu, or cold, is a viral upper respiratory infection that affects the nose and throat. The main symptoms of the disease include cough, sore throat, runny nose and fever. These are the causes:

  • It is caused by the “common cold”, which is a virus (Virus) that has more than 200 types of 8 groups of viruses present in the air.
  • The body is weak. low immunity
  • Rapid changes in body temperature, such as when wet from rain The body will cool rapidly.
  • It usually happens easily during the passing of the seasons.

Groups at risk of getting sick with “flu” during the rainy season

Risk groups that can easily catch a cold during the rainy season are those with a weakened immune system, young children, those with chronic diseases, the elderly, etc. They may get sick with cold and fever for 2-3 days, or maybe about a week. This risk group should take care of their health. Strengthening your immune system, such as getting enough sleep, exercising, eating nutritious foods, etc.

Why do we “not get sick” after taking a long shower?

Read this far. We believe we have already found the answer in this summary of why “rain” makes people “cold” for 3 reasons. The water we normally use for bathing is clean water. There is no virus that comes from rainwater. And bathing is also useful in helping get rid of dirt, including viruses, germs and various dirt. can leave the body This also helps prevent the common cold. However, you should avoid bathing in very cold or very hot water because it can be harmful to your skin health. For those who suffer from air allergies You should not shower for too long. Because it can stimulate allergies.

How to fight a cold on rainy days

If we happen to catch a cold, how should we take care of ourselves? To Recover Fast To help your body recover faster, follow these tips.

1. Treat based on symptoms

If you start to get a cold, the first symptoms that usually appear are coughing, sneezing, a hot body and a sore throat. Be careful when taking a shower. Don’t take an extremely cold shower. and try to keep your body warm, for example

  • If you are very hot, take an antipyretic, 1 tablet every 4-6 hours.
  • If you have a sore throat, drink warm water. or warm water mixed with lemon juice and honey It can help relieve a sore throat.
  • If you have a stuffy nose, it’s difficult to breathe. Use a liquid balm or ointment containing camphor and eucalyptus oil. mint flakes Apply to the tip of the nose, temples or chest to relieve symptoms.

How to take flu medicine Or the correct cold medicine is as follows:

  • Adults take 1 – 2 tablets every 4 – 6 hours.
  • Children aged 12 years and older take 1 tablet every 4 – 6 hours.
  • You can take medicine to reduce fever beforehand. or after meals No effect on stomach When you have the flu, you can take medicine to reduce fever.

Precautions for the use of fever-reducing drugs

  • Medicines to reduce fever may cause drowsiness. You should therefore not drive a motor vehicle. or work with machinery or where there is a risk of falling from a height
  • You should not take medicine with alcohol. or things that contain alcohol
  • Don’t take medicine before getting the flu. Take the medicine when symptoms appear. and treat based on symptoms Because of that cold medicine It can only “treat” symptoms and has no “preventive” properties.

2. Keep your body warm

If you are exposed to rain when you return home, take a shower, dry yourself and change into dry clothes immediately. When we are wet from the rain A sudden drop in body temperature will make you feel even sicker. The solution is to wear dry clothes after the shower and perhaps add a long-sleeved t-shirt. Wear warm clothes. Drink warm drinks like hot ginger water to help keep your body warm, helping to “cure” colds and make them go away faster.

3. Eat herbs to “cure colds”

It is advisable to eat disease-fighting foods. Choosing freshly cooked foods Cooked with Thai herbs such as Ginger, galangal, lemongrass, basil leaves, galangal etc. because it is a spicy food. Increases body temperature. It can help get rid of colds. And it should be light foods such as chicken soup, ginger porridge, ginger minced pork soup, etc.

4. Get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water.

When the body is sick with “flu”, the body goes into hard work mode. in the production of white blood cells to kill germs Your heart will beat faster. The body will have a high temperature or have a fever. We should take care of our body during this period of weakness by drying ourselves often to keep fever low and getting plenty of sleep so that our body can recover quickly. Including drinking lots of water. To help reduce the temperature in another way. And it helps the body draw water to use in the process of producing white blood cells.

5. Take vitamins

Another way to take care of yourself is You could find vitamins to nourish your body. Focus on vitamins that contain antioxidants such as beta-carotene (vitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin E, which helps eliminate germs from entering the body. It can prevent infection

How sick are you? Should I see a doctor?

  • Fever above 38.5 degrees Celsius for more than 4 consecutive days.
  • Breathing heavily Chest pain and wheezing
  • Severe sore throat, frequent headaches
  • Small red spots of blood were found on the skin, a sign of dengue fever.

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