
The Dangers of Central Obesity: Research Reveals Increased Risk of Colon Cancer

“World’s Greatest Research Achievements” Research Group… Strong warning about the dangers of central obesity Posted on 04.23.2024 2.10pm Posted on 04.23.2024 2.10pm Modified on 04.23.2024 2.28pm Views 12 People who gain a lot of weight and are taller than average have a relatively higher risk of colon cancer. You need to pay more attention to […]

The Amazing Benefits of Climbing Stairs: Improve Your Health and Fitness Today!

Climbing stairs is a simple but very effective way to exercise. This exercise, which offers numerous benefits for improving health and fitness, is an activity that can easily be practiced in daily life. In particular, it is considered one of the most effective exercises for maintaining health because it has effects on both strength training […]

8 Health Tests Men Can Do at Home: A Guide to Self-Care

Health tests that can be done at home, such as semen color, testicular mass, and nail shape Posted on 04.22.2024 at 8.05pm Posted on 04.22.2024 at 8.05pm Modified on 04.22.2024 at 5.05pm Views 0 While women gently accept small changes in their bodies, men accept them indifferently, which can potentially worsen health problems. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]A study […]

The Impact of Daily Food Choices on Youthful Vision and Presbyopia

The food you eat daily has a big impact on whether you have youthful vision or presbyopia. Posted on 04.22.2024 at 09.25 Posted on 04.22.2024 at 09.25 Modified on 04.22.2024 at 09.30 Views 8 The food you eat every day has a huge impact on your skin and can make the difference between looking younger […]

The Slimming Effects of Coffee: How It Helps Digest Food and Contributes to Weight Loss

Helps digest food and burn calories in the body… Contributes to weight loss Posted on 04/20/2024 2.11pm Posted on 04/20/2024 2.11pm Modified on 04/20/2024 2.00pm Views 0 Coffee consumed on an empty stomach irritates the stomach mucosa, increasing the risk of gastritis or gastric ulcer. You should also monitor your total caffeine intake. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Research […]

Preventing Breast Cancer: The Impact of Modifiable Risk Factors

Report from the Lancet Breast Cancer Committee…Thousands of cases of breast cancer can be prevented each year by correcting modifiable risk factors such as alcohol consumption, breastfeeding and obesity. Posted on 04.18.2024 at 9.55pm Posted on 04.18.2024 at 9.55pm Modified on 04.18.2024 at 2.46pm Views 558 The findings show that the risk of one in […]

Caffeine: The Surprising Benefits for Arthritis Revealed in New Research

Research results have shown that caffeine, a well-known ingredient with stimulant and dietary effects, is also useful for arthritis. [사진: 셔터스톡] [디지털투데이 AI리포터] Research has shown that caffeine, known for its effects on alertness and diet, is good for arthritis. A research team from Imperial College London analyzed 988 clinical characteristics recorded in the UK […]