
The Amazing Benefits of Climbing Stairs: Improve Your Health and Fitness Today!

Climbing stairs is a simple but very effective way to exercise. This exercise, which offers numerous benefits for improving health and fitness, is an activity that can easily be practiced in daily life. In particular, it is considered one of the most effective exercises for maintaining health because it has effects on both strength training […]

The Impact of High Temperature Environments on Cardiovascular Health: Research Findings and Implications

ㅣUniversity of Louisville research team, clinical study on 624 peopleㅣHigh temperature environment promotes systemic inflammatory response, which plays an important role in the progression of cardiovascular diseases.ㅣWhen exposed to heat, levels of systemic inflammation increase and immunity decreases. Research has shown that exposure to extreme heat can have negative effects on cardiovascular health. The results […]

How to Manage Blood Sugar Levels After Eating: Tips for Better Health

After eating food, blood sugar levels tend to be higher than in the fasting state. However, if hyperglycemia, in which postprandial blood glucose exceeds 140 mg/dl, persists for a long period of time, there is a high risk of developing diabetes, so management to reduce postprandial blood glucose is required. Drinking enough water helps manage […]

8 Health Tests Men Can Do at Home: A Guide to Self-Care

Health tests that can be done at home, such as semen color, testicular mass, and nail shape Posted on 04.22.2024 at 8.05pm Posted on 04.22.2024 at 8.05pm Modified on 04.22.2024 at 5.05pm Views 0 While women gently accept small changes in their bodies, men accept them indifferently, which can potentially worsen health problems. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]A study […]

Choosing the Right Shoes for Healthy Feet: Tips for Footwear Selection

No matter how expensive or beautiful they are, if they are uncomfortable you won’t wear them often. Wearing shoes that don’t fit your feet well can distort the shape of your feet and increase the risk of injury. Find out how to choose shoes that protect the health of your feet. Wearing shoes that don’t […]

4 Best Foods to Eat When You Have an Upset Stomach

In hot weather, we tend to eat a lot of cold foods, and food can easily spoil and cause stomach upset if prepared incorrectly. The most common symptom of an upset stomach is diarrhea. When you have diarrhea due to stomach pain, it is best to drink plenty of water and eat lightly with foods […]

Lack of Sleep Increases Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Study from Uppsala University

ㅣResearch group of Uppsala University in Sweden, clinical studies on 247,000 peopleㅣEven if you maintain a healthy diet, lack of sleep increases your risk of developing diabetes.ㅣIf you lack sleep, you should control your blood sugar level through high-intensity exercise. A new study recently found that insufficient sleep increases the risk of developing type 2 […]