
Huawei Music is about to launch a new season of original music competition “Lu Shu Project” to provide scene-based audio services_Content

Original title: Huawei Music is about to launch a new season of original music competition “Lu Shu Project” to provide scene-oriented audio services Recently, at the Huawei Developer Conference 2021 (Together), Huawei Music held the “Lakeside Lawn Music Festival”, announcing that the 2021 “Lushu Project” will be launched at the end of the year, and […]

Went down to swim in the lake; Crocodile attacking; Shocking video

Video view Brasilia: Man injured in crocodile attack after swimming in lake in forest Shocking scenes of crocodile attacking him have been widely circulated on social media. The incident took place in Campo Grande, Brazil. There was a warning not to enter here as there were crocodiles. He entered in violation of this. Willian Caitano, […]

Tents flying in the sky! Stunning view

Photo: Twitter Beijing: The world was fascinated by a sight that came out of China the other day. Tourists visiting the Wugong Shan National Geological Park in China witnessed the sight firsthand. The sight of about fifty tents of different colors flying in the sky like a kite made the visitors curious and amazed at […]