
Tank truck explosion in Haiti kills more than 60 people, flooded with inhabitants and spreads damage | Reuters

A tank lorry that overturned exploded on the night of the 13th in Cap-Haitien, the country’s second largest city in northern Haiti, an island country in the Caribbean Sea. More than 60 people have died, officials said. The photo was taken on the 14th (2021 Reuters)

[Cap-Haitien (Haiti) 14th Reuters]–A tank lorry that overturned exploded on the night of the 13th in Cap-Haitien, the country’s second largest city in the northern part of Haiti, an island country in the Caribbean Sea. More than 60 people have died, officials said. Prime Minister Henri visits the site to meet the victims of the accident.

Officials told local media that the tank truck rolled over while driving, trying to avoid the bike. The damage seems to have expanded as many residents rushed in for the leaked fuel.

In Haiti, gangsters blocked oil supply facilities for nearly a month from October, and shipments stopped, resulting in a nationwide shortage of fuel. Fuel shipments resumed last month.

Gangsters are expanding after the assassination of President Moise in July of this year, creating a political gap.
